
来源 :云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:obo9413
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“十一五”期间,云南藏区步入了跨越式发展的轨道,经济社会面貌发生了巨大变化。从其经验看,边疆民族地区实现跨越式发展是一项综合的系统工程:制定符合区域实际的产业政策是跨越式发展的关键;教育现代化是跨越式发展的根本;投资拉动是跨越式发展不可或缺的条件;大力推进城镇化是跨越式发展的突破口;高起点、高标准引进大企业开发优势资源是跨越式发展的有效途径;转变发展方式是跨越式发展的主题;改革创新是跨越式发展不竭的动力;不断改善民生是跨越式发展的出发点与归宿;高度重视生态环境保护是跨越式发展的前提;上级政府的大力扶持和全国人民的援助是跨越式发展的保证。 During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, Tibetan areas in Yunnan Province entered the track of leapfrog development, and the economic and social outlook has undergone tremendous changes. From its experience, realizing the leapfrog development in frontier and minority areas is an integrated systematic project: formulating industrial policies in line with the actual conditions of the region is the key to leapfrog development; education modernization is the basis of leapfrog development; investment is driven by leaps and bounds Or lack of conditions; vigorously promote the urbanization is a breakthrough by leaps and bounds; high starting point, a high standard of the development of large enterprises to develop the advantages of resources is an effective way to leapfrog development; change the mode of development is the theme of leapfrog development; reform and innovation is leapfrog The continuous improvement of people’s livelihood is the starting point and end-result of leapfrog development. The emphasis on ecological and environmental protection is the prerequisite for leapfrog development. The support of higher levels of government and the aid of people across the country are guarantees of leapfrog development.
本文以苏州市狮山路国庆道路摆花为例,通过对节庆道路摆花设计的分析,结合实际调查,提出了相关建议,希望对提升节庆摆花品质,构筑优美城市起到建设性的作用。 Taking the fl
目的 观察八段锦防治肌肉衰减征的临床疗效.方法 募集社区无严重疾病及合并症的老年志愿者22例,女性19例,男性3例,对比观察八段锦训练前和训练1年后的握力、膝关节等速肌力、