构建信息化校园 实现跨越式发展

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为了迎接世界信息技术迅猛发展的挑战,哈尔滨市教委立足发展,确定了以教育信息化带动教育现代化,努力实现城乡教育跨越式发展的工作模式。短短几年的探索实践,使得这个市的教育管理、师生的工作和学习方式发生了巨大变化。他们提出的“建网就是建学校”的新理念,不仅解决了建网所需资金的来源渠道,而且为经济欠发达地区实现教育的跨越式发展探索出了一条新路。 第三部分的五篇文章,从不同层面反映了哈尔滨市开展信息技术教育工作的实践及体会。尚志市完善了局域网建设,实现了“校校通”,不仅给教育带来了变化,也给当地农村经济发展带来了新希望;抚顺小学以网络为手段,使校长、教师、家长、学生之间实现跨越时空的双向交流和互动;市六中积极探索了信息技术与各学科整合的途径和方法,有效地提高了教育质量;市六十九中通过网络实现了学校管理的科学、高效以及教学方式的变革。这些创造性的工作,有效地推进了素质教育的实施。 In order to meet the challenge of the rapid development of information technology in the world, Harbin Municipal Board of Education, based on the development, has determined the mode of education driven by education informationization and the striving for the leapfrog development of urban and rural education. Only a few years of exploration and practice, making the city’s education management, teachers and students work and learning has undergone tremendous changes. They put forward a new concept of “establishing a network as a school”, not only solved the sources of funds needed for network construction, but also explored a new path for the leap-forward development of education in economically underdeveloped areas. The fifth part of the third part reflects the practice and experience of carrying out information technology education in Harbin from different aspects. Shangzhi City, improve the local area network construction, to achieve the “school pass”, not only brought about changes in education, but also to the local rural economic development has brought new hope; Fushun primary network as a means to enable principals, teachers, parents, students Between the two sides to achieve the two-way exchange and interaction across time and space; City six actively explore the integration of information technology and various disciplines ways and methods to effectively improve the quality of education; the city sixty-nine through the network to achieve a scientific and efficient school management As well as changes in teaching methods. These creative work effectively promoted the implementation of quality education.
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