Extraction and Characterization of Humic Acids and Humin Fractions from a Black Soil of China

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Twenty-three progressive extractions were performed to study individual humic acids (HAs) and humin fractions from a typical black soil (Mollisol) in Heilongjiang Province, China using elemental analysis and spectroscopic techniques. After 23 HA extractions the residue was separated into high and low organic carbon humin fractions. HA yield was the highest for the first extraction and then gradually decreased with further extractions. Organic carbon (OC) of the humin fractions accounted for 58% of total OC even after 23 successive HA extractions. In addition, the atomic C/H ratio decreased during the course of extraction while C/O increased; the E4/E6 ratio from the UV analysis decreased with further extraction while E2/E3 increased; the band assigned to aliphatic carbon (2930 cm-1) in the diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) spectra gradually increased with progressive extraction; the calculated ratio of the sum of aromatic carbon peak heights to that of aliphatic carbon Twenty-three progressive extractions were performed to study individual humic acids (HAs) and humin fractions from a typical black soil (Mollisol) in Heilongjiang Province, China using elemental analysis and spectroscopic techniques. After 23 HA extractions the residue was separated into high and low Organic carbon (OC) of the humin fractions accounted for 58% of total OC even after 23 successive HA extractions. In addition, the atomic C / H ratio decreased during the course of extraction while C / O increased; the E4 / E6 ratio from the UV analysis decreased with further extraction while E2 / E3 increased; the band assigned to aliphatic carbon (2930 cm -1) in the diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) spectra incremental increased with progressive extraction; the calculated ratio of the sum of aromatic carbon peak heights to that o f aliphatic carbon
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