宋玉《风赋》云:“风生于地,起于青苹之末。”意思是问题要从萌芽状态抓起。珠江三角洲一些乡镇企业,近年来把产品质量当作企业的生命,十分注意从青苹之末就抓紧质量问题。 1990年9月,佛山市经委召开了一个“风扇紧急会议”。就在前二三个月,珠江三角洲一些风扇企业,遭受到一场“退货”旋风的袭击,总共损失超过1000万元。市经委在调查中发现,最早觉察隐患并及时排除,使损失减少到最低限度的,是南海平洲的“威乐斯风扇厂”。他们早在4月份就发现了风扇定子绝缘漆的问题,并立即追踪到油漆的生产厂家某化工厂,而个别风扇厂一直到六七月份顾客嚷嚷着要退货时才大梦初醒。
Song Yu’s “Wind Fu” cloud: “Wind was born in the ground and it began at the end of Qing Ping.” It means the problem must be grasped from the bud. Some township enterprises in the Pearl River Delta have, in recent years, treated the quality of their products as the life of the enterprise, and paid great attention to grasping quality issues from the end of Qing Ping. In September 1990, the Foshan Economic Commission convened a “fan emergency meeting.” In the first two to three months, some fan companies in the Pearl River Delta suffered a “return” whirlwind attack and lost more than 10 million yuan in total. In the survey, the municipal economic commission found that the earliest awareness of hidden dangers and timely removal, so that the loss is reduced to a minimum, is the “Villes Fan Factory” in Pingzhou, Nanhai. They discovered the problem of fan stator insulation paint as early as April, and immediately tracked the paint manufacturer to a chemical plant, and individual fan factories did not wake up until June or July when customers were clamoring for a return.