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抗战爆发前,中共极其重视在浙江地区的武装暴动,考虑到浙江地处国民党统治的中心地区,认为这可以极大地动摇国民党的统治。事实上,由于国民党在该地区统治的强化,中共的武装暴动和割据所遇到的困难远大于其他地区,根据地的生存和发展非常艰难。抗战初期,中共一方面出于对日作战的需要,同时也出于与国民党争夺政治真空地带的政治需要,重视经略浙东;战争后期,出于配合美军在中国东南沿海登陆作战、进而控制东南沿海大城市的考虑,中共在浙江的力量得到了空前的加强,但由于美军最终未在中国东南沿海实施登陆作战,中共在浙江的地缘战略进行了重大的调整,最后决定主动撤出在浙江根据地的武装力量。不过从全国的战略来看,达到了此处之消彼处之长的战略目的。 Before the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, the CCP attached great importance to the armed insurrection in Zhejiang. Considering that Zhejiang was located in the center of the Kuomintang rule, it believed that it could greatly shake the Kuomintang’s rule. In fact, due to the strengthening of Kuomintang’s rule in the region, the armed insurrection and separatism encountered by the CCP far outweigh the difficulties in other areas. The survival and development of the base areas are very difficult. In the early days of the war of resistance against Japan, the CCP, out of its need of fighting Japan and the political needs of the Kuomintang in vieWing for a political vacuum, attached importance to the strategic economy of eastern Zhejiang. In the latter part of the war, it cooperated with the U.S. military to land the southeast coast of China and control Considering the southeastern coastal cities, the CPC’s power in Zhejiang Province has been strengthened unprecedentedly. However, as the U.S. military eventually failed to land the southeastern coast of China, the CPC made a major adjustment in the geopolitical strategy of Zhejiang and finally decided to take the initiative to withdraw its forces in Zhejiang Armed forces in the base areas. However, from the perspective of the national strategy, we have reached the strategic goal of eliminating others here.
【正】 教学效果的好坏,与师生采用的教学方法有着密切的联系。教学方法不但直接地影响着教学质量,也较大地影响着人才培养的质量。目前,现代教育思想虽然已引起了我国广大教
心包囊肿又称心包胚胎囊肿、肋膈囊肿、纵膈单纯性囊肿、 '泉水'囊肿及浆液囊肿等等。此病由于组织学上的特征为扁平间皮作里层、时而转化为立方上皮状,故有人主张(D