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1949年新中国成立后,我在出版总署出版局工作,后转入人民出版社和三联书店编辑部,1989年退休,又接受返聘七八年,最后算是完全退休。五十年来,往事纷纭,使我感触较深的,一是与读者、作家的联系,一是对书稿的加工整理,现在专就与读者联系方面写些回忆。1953年,范用同志担任人民出 After the founding of New China in 1949, I worked in the Publishing Bureau of the General Administration of Press and Distribution and later moved to the editorial department of People’s Publishing House and Joint Publishing. After retiring in 1989, I accepted the return of eight or eight years and was finally retired. Over the past 50 years, there have been many divergent views that have touched me deeply. One is the connection with the readers and the writers. The other is the processing of the manuscripts. Now I write some memories about the contact with the readers. In 1953, Fan comrades served as people out
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老年性痴呆(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)是老年性神经系统退行性疾病。纯中药制剂“益智合剂”经长期临床应用表明, 对AD有较好的疗效。我们已经报道了它对D-半乳糖加速衰老模
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目的 :观察加压素样神经纤维 (VP -IR)在树鼠句、大鼠、豚鼠正中隆起的分布并探讨VP -IR在正中隆起分布的种属差异及其意义 .方法 :应用免疫组织化学技术PAP法观察树鼠句、大
罗湖区中医院 Luohu District Chinese Medicine Hospital