
来源 :经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wtuye262626
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地权改革催生了重塑农村社区集体经济组织的制度需求。在地权改革的背景下,农村社区集体经济组织重塑包括对外法人主体地位的重塑、内部利益分配关系的重塑和集体经济组织法人治理架构的重塑等三个方面。鉴于改革的综合性和复杂性,在重塑社区集体经济组织的同时,需要着力推进主管部门审计监督、司法部门权利救济、公共财政转移支付等配套改革。成都实验为农村社区集体经济组织重塑提供了有益经验,但在推广时亦需慎重,并通过集体经济组织立法来实施。 The reform of land ownership has given birth to the institutional needs of reshaping rural community collective economic organizations. Under the reform of land rights, the remolding of rural community collective economic organizations includes the remolding of the legal status of foreign legal persons, the remoulding of the internal interest distribution and the remodeling of corporate governance structure of collective economic organizations. In view of the comprehensiveness and complexity of the reform, while remolding the community collective economic organizations, efforts must be made to promote such supporting reforms as the audit supervision of the competent departments, the relief of the judiciary rights and the transfer of public finance. Experiments in Chengdu provided useful experiences for the remodeling of rural community collective economic organizations, but they also need to be cautious in the promotion and implemented through legislation of collective economic organizations.
近年来,运动员中流传着“以吃取胜”的说法。当训练量和强度已达极限时,营养的问题就越发显得重要,但由于多种影响因素存在,确切地弄清营养的价值相当困难。 目前尚无普遍接
上承式系杆葵拱结构新颖、桥式舒展优美,与周边环境和谐统一。本文着重介绍了桥型、结构设计、受力分析和施工方案,希望对国内同类桥梁设计有所帮助。 The pressure-bearing
In this paper, a new type of retention system of PEO/cofactor retention system is introduced, the cofactors used are phenol-formaldehyde resin, wheat straw alka