Evaluation of Physicochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Stability of Frozen Stored Vacuum-Packed

来源 :农业科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Phoenix_Ex
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Nowadays, lamb meat represents only 7% of all meat produced in the world. In recent years the demand for standardized lamb meat cuts has been considered of great importance and the marketing occurs predominantly in the form of frozen cuts. Herewith, the main of this work was to evaluate the stability and safety of lamb meat during frozen storage. Meats were vacuum packed in high barrier multilayer plastic iflms and stored during 12 mon at (-18±1)oC. The meat stability was assessed by physical and chemical (lipid oxidation, objective color, pH value, cooking losses and instrumental texture), microbiological (total count of psychrotrophic, coliform count at 45°C, coagulase-positive staphylococci and the presence of Salmonella) and sensory analysis (acceptance test and visual evaluation). The vacuum packed lamb meat remained stable as to most physical and chemical indexes. Microbiological indexes showed good stability throughout the storage period according to Brazilian legislation standards to pathogenic microorganisms. Although a signiifcant reduction in tenderness (shear force increase from 3 to 8 kg), it showed a good sensorial acceptance for all attributes tested, including texture, with scores of around 7 (like moderately) during the 12 mon of storage. Therefore, it can be concluded that, under the conditions applied in this study, lamb meat presents a shelf life of at least 12 mon when stored at-18°C.
摘 要:根据课题研究需要及物联网技术在高职院校中专业建设要求,本文重点介绍了物网联网技术在高职院校学生管理工作中门禁识别管理、学生活动范围的定位管理、一卡通校园卡智慧管理、学生缴费消费信息管理等方面的应用,探讨了物联网技术应用对完善学生日常管理所起的作用,为学校多领域物联网技术应用指明了方向。具有很强实用价值。  关键词:物联网技术;RFID;高职学生;管理工作  中图分类号:G311 文献标识码
Forkhead box G1 (Foxg1) is expressed during the embryonic stage and in postnatal brain regions sensitive to hypoxia/ischemia injury,such as the hippocampus and
我院自2003~2009年共收治多发性骨折病人78例,其中合并脏器损伤45例,伴有严重休克者21例,无1例死亡,现将护理体会总结如下.rn1 临床资料rn本组78例中,男性61例,女性17例;年龄
目的 为了研究磷酸二酯酶(PDE)7B在慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)患者中的表达及临床意义.方法 应用实时定量逆转录PCR(qRT-PCR)技术检测87例未治疗CLL患者和20例正常人中PDE7B的表达水平,并分析其与CLL临床预后指标的关系.结果 87例CLL患者PDE7B表达水平中位数为5.4×10-4(0.2×10-4~1.5×10-2),明显高于正常人群0.5×10-4(0.18×10-4