
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oslo123
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英语学科与其他学科相比,有着特殊的一面。从逻辑上来讲,它没有数学严谨的推理与验证。从语言环境来看,没有语文所赋予学生的熟悉程度。在新课标的普及与应用过程中,很多教师仍然奉行死背硬记的方法,教学方式单一死板,使很多学生逐渐失去了学习英语的兴趣,阻碍了学生了解与吸收知识的进程。要改变这种现状,激发学生对英语的兴趣和爱好,笔者认为,应从以下三个方面来进行英语课堂教学优化:一、在平等和谐的课堂氛围中,用新颖的导 Compared with other disciplines, English has a special aspect. Logically, it does not have mathematically rigorous reasoning and verification. From a linguistic point of view, there is no familiarity given by the language to students. In the process of popularization and application of new curriculum standards, many teachers still follow the hard-core method and their teaching methods are rigid. As a result, many students gradually lose their interest in learning English and hinder students’ understanding and absorption of knowledge. To change this situation and stimulate students’ interest and interest in English, the author believes that English classroom teaching should be optimized from the following three aspects: First, in an atmosphere of equality and harmony,
迈克尔?摩尔(Michael Moore)作为美国本土导演,通过拍摄《医疗内幕》这一纪录片,直面美国的医疗保险制度并深入其中揭秘医疗内幕,通过一系列民众与医疗保健行业矛盾激化的案