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一、“奶粉征税”引发的热议在某门户网站上,一则关于“海关总署修订进境物品税表自4月15日起奶粉超200元将征税”的新闻引发网民热议,并被一些媒体及微博转发数万条。热议的起因是海关总署发布的2012年第15号公告中,对《中华人民共和国进境物品归类表》和《中华人民共和国进境物品完税价格表》相关内容进行了修订,其中包括奶粉、饮料、鞋靴、医疗等个人携带进境以及行李和邮递物品的进口税完税价格。然而,由于此次调整完税价格的物品多为大众日用消费品,因此,就像2011年热炒“馒头税”一样,奶粉完税价 First, the “milk tax levy ” caused by the hot on a portal site, a “Customs General Administration of Amendment of the entry tax table since April 15 milk powder over 200 yuan will be levied ” news Triggered hot netizens, and was forwarded by some media and microblogging tens of thousands of articles. The hot reason is that the General Administration of Customs released Announcement No. 15 of 2012 on the “People’s Republic of China Entry List of goods” and “People’s Republic of China Customs Duty-paid Tariffs,” related to the content was revised, including Duty-free import duty on imported goods such as milk powder, beverages, footwear and medical supplies, as well as baggage and postal articles. However, due to the adjustment of the duty-paid items are mostly consumer goods for the general public, therefore, like the 2011 stir fried “bread tax ”, the duty-paid milk powder