
来源 :中国男科学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:java_flash
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目的研究SD大鼠阴茎平滑肌细胞体外培养方法和生物学特性。方法采用贴壁组织块培养法和酶消化培养法,对SD大鼠阴茎海绵体平滑肌细胞进行活细胞观察。结果 (1)SD大鼠阴茎海绵体平滑肌细胞为梭形,呈长轴平行排列,具有明显的方向性;体外贴壁快,生长迅速,体外培养的阴茎海绵体平滑肌细胞在合适的传代条件和比例下能够生存并保持其稳定的生物学特性。(2)酶消化培养法获得细胞的纯度高,接种后细胞生长快。贴壁组织块培养法操作简单易于掌握。结论贴壁组织块培养法和酶消化培养法均可以获得平滑肌细胞,方法均方便可行。我们可根据实验的需要选择不同的方法。 Objective To study the in vitro culture methods and biological characteristics of penile smooth muscle cells from SD rats. Methods Adherent cells culture and enzyme digestion culture were used to observe the living cells of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells of SD rats. RESULTS: (1) The corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells of SD rats were fusiform and arranged in long axis parallel to each other, with obvious directionality; fast adherent wall and rapid growth in vitro; smooth muscle cells of corpus cavernosum cultured in vitro were cultured under suitable conditions of passage and In proportion to survive and maintain its stable biological characteristics. (2) Enzymatic digestion culture obtained cells of high purity, fast growth after inoculation. Adherent tissue culture method is simple and easy to master. Conclusion Both adherent tissue culture method and enzyme digestion culture method can be used to obtain smooth muscle cells. The method is convenient and feasible. We can choose different methods according to the experiment’s needs.
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在初中英语教学中进行“情趣教育” ,能引导学生积极参与英语教学活动 ,使其在愉快和自信的情绪中保持积极的学习态度 ,养成良好的学习习惯。现就在教学生如何运用“情趣教育
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一、变化的世界我们生活的世界是一个物质的世界 ,不论是日月星辰、河流山川 ,还是花草树木、飞禽走兽 ,它们都是客观存在的物质 .物质最根本的属性是存在 .在我们面前有一只