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芮城县财政局局长杜立法先后担任过村长、镇长、局长,他无论处在什么位置上,总是兢兢业业、扎扎实实地工作,在当地留下了极好的口碑。特别是担任财政局局长以来,带领全局干部职工,出色地完成了县委县政府提出的创建工作目标,并在2002年首次突破了亿元大关。回溯他五十来年的人生历程,可以知晓这所有的一切都是与他从前的历练分不开的。杜立法出身农家,生活的艰辛总是把他的心和情与广大群众的利益紧紧地系在一起。他很小就从解放初做县委书记的叔父身上受到了启蒙,很早就知晓了一个成功者的荣耀和人生意义。弟兄姐妹多,家境困难,又恰逢十年动 Du Lifa, director of the Finance Bureau of Ruicheng County, served successively as village chief, mayor and director. Regardless of his position, he always worked conscientiously and conscientiously, and left a very good reputation in the area. In particular, since he took office as the director of the Bureau of Finance, he has led cadres and workers of the whole country and successfully completed the goal of creating work proposed by the county party committee and government. In 2002, it exceeded the mark of 100 million yuan for the first time. Looking back on his life journey in the fifties, we can see that all this is inseparable from his previous experience. Du Li law was born in farmhouse, the hardships of life is always his heart and feelings closely linked with the interests of the broad masses. At an early age, he was enlightened from the uncle who made the county party secretary in early liberation, and he had long known the glory and meaning of life for a successful man. Many brothers and sisters, family difficulties, but also coincides with a decade move
  Objective GH-IGF-1 axis is an important endocrinological system,which modulates organic growth and development,substance metabolism,hematopoiesis and immuno
【摘 要】黄河河道整治工程是黄河防洪建设的重要项目,特别是伴随着小浪底水库蓄水的运用,河道整治工程的施工显得尤为重要,本文浅论黄河河道整治的技巧及对策。  【关键词】河道整治;施工;技巧;探讨  一、河道整治工程险情概述  黄河河道整治工程是黄河防洪建设的重要项目,它对控制河道的走向起着重要的作用,无论何种类型的坝、垛、护岸等,归根到底都要满足稳定河势、疏导水流、利于防洪的需要。据统计,自2002
  目的 探讨岩下窦静脉取血(IPSS)联合去氨加压素(DDAVP)刺激试验在Cushing病诊断中的意义。方法 10例垂体MRI正常的ACTH依赖性Cushing综合征患者行大剂量地塞米松抑制试验
  Objective With a computer-assist program,retinal vascular calibers can be measured quantitatively.In this study,we examine the relationship between retinal
  Objective To analyze the relationship of the basic pathological changes of hepatocyte and PLA2 or its subtype in NAFLD rat model,and to evaluate the effect
  Objective Bone mass is maintained through a balance between osteoblast and osteoclast activity.Osteoblasts regulate osteoclast formation through their expre
【摘 要】随着社会的不断发展,我国的工程建设也得到迅猛的发展。在这些工程的建设和使用过程中,难免会出现一些工程质量上的问题。有关方面对这些质量问题进行分析,原因可能是多方的:原材料本身存在质量问题,施工检测或测试方法不够准确等。工程质量检测工作不仅是工程质量监督的重要手段,也是控制工程质量的重要技术保证。它包括对工程所用材料、制品质量检验,还包括对工程用机具设备的精确度的检验。建筑工程质量检测机构