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2007年9月26日~27日,由 Wi-Fi 联盟和北京天地互连信息技术有限公司联合主办的全球 Wi-Fi 高峰会议在北京国宾酒店召开,这是 Wi-Fi 联盟首次在中国举办的大型峰会,旨在为近期 Wi-Fi 技术和应用在中国的推广提供交流展示平台。大会云集了来自政府、电信研究院的领导、专家,企业代表、多个国际组织的专家、分析咨询人士,以及业内风险投资商等。各方人士从 Wi-Fi 技术的近况和新的应用谈起,就市政、校园与企业的 Wi-Fi 网络部署,Wi-Fi 技术在手机中的应用,Wi-Fi 在新兴数字家庭中的应用,语音 Wi-Fi 技术,Wi-Fi 技术与3G 和 WiMAX 技术的互补等众多产业内热点话题进行了现场解读,共同探讨了 Wi-Fi 在全球的发展趋势,为 The Global Wi-Fi Summit, co-hosted by the Wi-Fi Alliance and Beijing Tiandi Information Technology Co., Ltd., was held at the Guobin Hotel Beijing on September 26-27, 2007, the first time the Wi-Fi Alliance was held in China Large-scale summit, aimed at the recent Wi-Fi technology and applications in China to promote the exchange of display platform. The conference gathered leaders, experts, business representatives from government and telecommunications research institutes, experts from various international organizations, analysis consultants, and venture capital investors in the industry. The parties from the status of Wi-Fi technology and new applications talk about the municipal, campus and enterprise Wi-Fi network deployment, Wi-Fi technology in mobile phones, Wi-Fi in emerging digital home applications , Voice Wi-Fi technology, Wi-Fi technology and complementary technologies such as 3G and WiMAX and many other industry hot topics were discussed on the spot to jointly explore the trend of Wi-Fi in the world as
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从2000年第一期起,本刊将开设“校园戏剧”这一新栏目,旨在发现、培养戏剧新人。从本期开始,我们将陆续推出一些高校学生的新作,欢迎喜欢戏剧的朋友积极参与。 Starting fro
既而复职,还上《圣孝瑞应颂》。帝日:“尔为大臣,不言民间利病,乃献谀耶!”掷还之。 Thus reinstatement, but also on the “San Xiaorui Ying Song.” Emperor days: “Se