Impressions of a Letter一封信所引发的思考……

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  Our Moral teacher, Mrs. Chen, once presented a letter to us in class. This letter was written by a sad father several years ago complaining about his son's terrible behavior. At that time it has attracted great attention from parents, university students and even the whole society.
   In the letter, the father said he felt deeply disappointed with his son, a university student. At the first day of college3, the father helped him carry the baggage and cleaned the dormitory, while his son, like a disabled, did nothing but sat comfortably on a chair. And from the beginning of the school year, the son consistently6 asked his parents to send him large amount of money7 though he knew clearly they were not rich. And his parents couldn't help but do as they were told. Later, the boy fell in love with a girl. In order to please her, he lied about the school tuition fees and asked his father for much more money for his squandering. How unfilial the boy was!
   After reading the letter, all of us, deeply moved, were silent. The father wrote this letter just to arouse his son's conscience and remind him of his irresponsible behaviors. He had never expected it would spur such a huge controversy in society and such sympathetic response among us. After all, this isn't an unusual phenomenon in many colleges, is it? Many of us are little princes or princesses in our homes, though seen from age, we are already adults. Compared with students in the west, we should be ashamed--we all know they are encouraged or even required to be on their own once they reached 18 Therefore they have a stronger sense of obligation and dare to face the formidable difficulties and challenges of life more bravely. However, some of us, like the grievous father's son in the letter, are still regarding it as absolutely righteous to ask parents for large sum of money!
   I think we should be independent in many aspects and aware that how painful it is when we ignore and hurt our parents' feelings. And we should also learn how significant it is to undertake the responsibility of our family. It is this sense of responsibility that enables us to spare no effort to tackle difficulties and move on no matter what happens.
   Plants in a greenhouse cannot resist storms. The thorns outside will only make us strong. If we want to be more powerful, we should pursue independence, for we can't hide under our parents' wings forever.
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1 Fritz Kreisler:弗里茨·克莱斯勒(1875-1962),美籍奥地利著名小提琴演奏家、作曲家,主要作品有《爱之欢乐》、《中国花鼓》等;hoax:诡计,花招。
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Todd: I'm really cramming for this test.
What a nice place, everything on this menu looks good. I don't know what to order! The lobster is tempting. I haven't eaten lobster in ages.
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