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制度变迁反映了政治文明的演进。回答12~15题。12.西汉统治者总结秦朝历史,从“海内新定,同姓寡少,惩戒亡秦孤立之败”的认识出发,采取的措施是 (A)A.实行郡、国并行制度 B.颁布“推恩令”C.实行编户齐民制度 D.颁布“附益之法”13.削弱相权是中国古代加强皇权的重要手段。与此相关的措施是(B)A.秦朝设立御史大夫和太尉B.隋唐实行三省六部制C.北宋设立枢密使和通判D.元朝设立中书省14.民国时期的著名记者黄远生说:“盖在昔日,仅有制造或政法制度之争者,而在今日已成为思想上之争。”事实上,中国近代有些事件兼有制度之争和思想之争,它们是①洋务运动②戊戌变法③辛亥革命④新文化运动(C)A.①② B.②④ C.②③ D.③④15.议会是资本主义政治体制的重要组成部分。以下有关 Institutional changes reflect the evolution of political civilization. Answer 12 ~ 15 questions. 12. The Western Han Dynasty rulers summed up the history of the Qin and Han Dynasties starting from the recognition of “new set at home, with less than one name, the punishment of Qin lost”, the measures taken are (A) A. The implementation of county and state parallel system B. promulgated “Thorough Encryption ” C. Implementation of household registration system D. Promulgation “Law of Supplement ” 13. Weakening the right to phase is an important means to strengthen imperial power in ancient China. The related measures are (B) A. The establishment of the imperial doctor and the Qiuzheng in the Qin dynasty B. The implementation of the six provinces in the Sui and Tang Dynasties C. The establishment of the North Song Dynasty and the DPRK to establish the Central Committee of the Yuan Dynasty 14. The famous reporter of the Republic of China Huang Yuansheng said: “In the past, only the manufacturing or political and legal system of the dispute, and in today has become the ideological battle.” In fact, some events in modern China both system dispute and ideological struggle, they are ① The Westernization Movement ② The Reform Movement of 1898 ③ The Revolution of 1911 ④ The New Culture Movement (C) A.①② B.②④ C.②③ D.③④15. The parliament is an important part of the capitalist political system. The following about
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