
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:camino
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麦草畏是国家重点鼓励和发展的高效低毒旱地除草剂,对小麦、玉米、谷子、高粱等禾本科作物比较安全,具有杀草力强、药效迅速、用量少、持效适中、经济效益高等特点,属高效、低毒、选择性好的安全除草剂,在世界各地广泛使用。随着抗麦草畏生物技术和麦草畏混合除草剂研究的不断深入,麦草畏的市场前景被看好。麦草畏的传统需求主要集中在小麦、玉米等禾本科作物。由于草甘膦抗性杂草愈演愈烈,加之高毒农药逐渐被 Dicamba is an efficient and low-toxicity dryland herbicide that is encouraged and developed by the state. It is safe for gramineous crops such as wheat, corn, millet and sorghum. It has strong herbicidal efficacy, rapid efficacy, less dosage, moderate effect and economy High efficiency, is an efficient, low toxicity, good selectivity of the safe herbicide, widely used around the world. With dwindling biotech and dicamba mixed herbicides, the dicamba market is promising. The traditional needs of dicamba are mainly concentrated in grasses such as wheat and corn. As glyphosate resistant weeds intensified, coupled with highly toxic pesticides gradually being
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法国小伙子布朗用全部积蓄在巴黎市郊开了一家旅店。然而,旅店开业好几个月了,生意一直不太景气。一次,一位路过的游客说:“你的旅店正好对着一座荒山,太煞风景了!”布朗恍然大悟之余又开始犯愁,他不甘心关掉旅店,但如果继续经营,除非那座荒山变绿,可那不仅耗资巨大,自己也根本没那么多精力。  一天,布朗打开电视,无意中看到一则首相参加植树节的新闻。他灵光一闪,马上伏案疾书。几天之后,一则广告出现在好几家报纸
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