坚持改革 振奋精神 为振兴我省水利水产事业开拓前进——曹廷甫厅长在全省水利水产工作会议上的讲话(摘要)

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一、对“六五”水利水产工作的回顾“六五”期间,我省水利事业经历了一次大的转折,走上了以内涵为主,以提高效益为中心的新路子,进入了稳步协调发展的新阶段。 (一)较好地完成了各项工作任务水利工作:在经过七十年代的大发展之后,认真进行了调整,压缩了基建战线,逐步把工作重点转向已成工程管理。在建的八项重点工程中,冯家山、石堡川两项已经竣工验收,东雷抽黄上原工程、桃曲坡、洋县引酉三项可在1986年建成。“六五”期间,全省新增有效灌溉面积121万亩,旱涝保收田96万亩,灌区平地224万亩;改良盐碱地36.9万亩,排水除涝20.3万亩;新修堤防1,012公里,还解决了177万人的饮水困难问题。贯彻“加强经营管理,讲究经济效益”的方针,为巩固提高现有工程做了大量的工作,重点抓了病险工程处理和灌区配套挖 I. Review of the “6th Five-year” Water Conservancy and Aquatic Work During the “6th Five-Year Plan”, our province’s water conservancy undertaking went through a major turning point and embarked on a new road centered mainly on connotation and taking efficiency enhancement as its center, entering a steady process of coordination A new stage of development. (1) The water conservancy work on various tasks has been completed satisfactorily: after the great development in the 1970s, the adjustment was carried out conscientiously, the infrastructure fronts were reduced, and the focus of work gradually shifted to the management of existing projects. Among the eight key projects under construction, two of Fengjiashan and Shi Puchuan have been completed and accepted. Three projects, namely, Donglei pumping Yellow on the original project, Taoqupo and Yangxian County, can be completed in 1986. During the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” period, the province newly added 1.12 million mu of irrigated area, 96 million mu of dry and sallow paddy fields and 2.24 million mu of irrigated land; 369,000 mu of saline-alkali land and drainage of 203,000 mu of drainage and waterlogging; 177 million people have problems with drinking water. Implementing the principle of “strengthening management and paying attention to economic benefits” has done a great deal of work to consolidate and improve the existing projects, with a focus on handling sick projects and supporting digging in irrigation areas
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