
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingli1314
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虎皮病是苹果贮藏后期发生的主要生理病害。对商品果危害很大。如何防止虎皮病发病是我国苹果贮藏中急待解决的研究课题之一。目前,国外商业上一般采用采后抗氧剂二苯胺、乙氧基喹处理来防止苹果虎皮病发生。但在我国则无乙氧基喹生产供应。而二苯胺鉴于毒性残留等问题,在生产上不能大量推广应用。为此,1980年在以往试验的基础上,我们重点对上海市农药研究所研制成的虎皮灵(乙氧基隆)防治虎皮病效果进行了试验研究,同时对一些主要苹果品种虎皮病的不同发病症状规律也作了一定的观察和探讨。一、材料和方法供试苹果品种有元帅、青香蕉、倭锦、小 Tiger skin disease is the main physiological disease occurred in late storage of apple. The product of fruit is very harmful. How to prevent the incidence of tiger skin disease is one of the research topics which urgently need to be solved in apple storage in our country. At present, foreign commercial use of post-harvest antioxidants diphenylamine, ethoxyquin treatment to prevent the occurrence of apple tiger skin disease. But in our country there is no ethoxyquin production and supply. The diphenylamine in view of toxic residues and other issues, in the production can not be a lot of promotion and application. Therefore, based on the previous experiments in 1980, we focused on the experimental study on tiger skin disease (ethoxylated) developed by Shanghai Institute of Pesticide Research, and studied the effects of tiger skin disease on some major apple species The different symptoms of the disease also made a certain observation and discussion. First, the materials and methods Apple varieties for the Marshal, green banana, Japanese Kam, small
春尺蠖Apochemia cinerarius Erschoff也称杨尺蠖、沙枣尺蠖、榆尺蠖、桑尺蠖,属鳞翅目尺蛾科Geometridae,是内蒙古伊克昭盟地区为害柠条Caragana korshinskii的主要害虫,并
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