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伴随着商品经济的蓬勃发展,广告在现代社会生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,被称为“世界上最大的无烟工业”、“社会生产有机体的神经系统”、“社会分配、流通过程中的加速力”。自党的十一届三中全会以来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,人们商品意识日益增强,我国的广告业也逐步发展起来,特别是近几年更是突飞猛进,已为世界所瞩目。 中国广告业的飞速发展,也向广告教学工作者、研究工作者提出了挑战:能否及时总结并提升广告理论,回答广告实践中提出的新问题,指导广告实践。在回应这一挑战的勇者中,储佩成同志就是突出的一位。早在80年代中期,这位作家、高校写作教师、学报主编,就把目光投向经济建设主战场,在大文化的海洋里遨游,有自己的独特体验和思考。进入90年代后,他主持编写的《经济实用文写作》一书,出版后受到广大读者的欢迎。同时,他潜心研究广告语这一经 With the flourishing development of commodity economy, advertising plays an increasingly important role in modern social life. It is called “the largest smoke-free industry in the world”, “the nervous system of social production organism”, and “social distribution and circulation Acceleration in the process. ” Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, with the development of the socialist market economy, people are increasingly aware of their products and the advertising industry in our country has also gradually developed. In recent years, it has made rapid progress by leaps and bounds, attracting worldwide attention. The rapid development of China’s advertising industry also poses a challenge to advertisement teaching workers and researchers: whether it can timely summarize and promote advertising theory, answer new questions raised in advertising practice, and guide advertising practice. Among the brave people who responded to this challenge, Comrade Chu Pei-cheng was one prominent person. As early as the mid-1980s, the writer, college teacher of writing, and chief editor of the Journal turned his attention to the main battlefield of economic construction and traveling in the sea of ​​great culture with his own unique experience and thinking. After entering the 90’s, he presided over the preparation of “economic practical writing” a book, after the publication by the majority of readers. At the same time, he painstakingly studied the language of advertising
在父母的催促下,今年春节前夕,30岁的“富二代”熊凯为了让父母安心,不惜本钱,仓促地在网上发帖高价租“女友”。  可令熊凯没想到的是,“租女友过春节”的温馨剧刚刚落幕,一场讹诈与反讹诈的悲剧便迫不及待地粉墨登场了!     8天值2万:“富二代”要租女友过春节    熊凯也算“富二代”。父亲熊发过去是大冶市大基铺镇一个地道的农民,现在是这个矿业之城小有名气的矿老板。  2003年,熊凯大学毕业后到
本文讨论如何以多片TMS32020为核心,组成大型潜用声呐的中央处理机,以达到声呐的战术性能指标。 该机对来自三个独立接收子阵的数据信息进行处理,从而检测出目标的距离和方位
垂体腺瘤是一种常见的良性肿瘤,人群发生率一般为十万分之一,在颅内肿瘤中仅次于脑胶质细胞瘤和脑膜瘤,约占颅内肿瘤的10%左右。侵袭性垂体腺瘤(invasive pituitary adenomas