Mitochondrial DNA A1555G mutation screening using a testing kit method and its significance in preve

来源 :Journal of Otology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ooqqa
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To report a new screening method for mitochondrial DNA 1555A→G mutation and the results of genotype analysis in 19 maternal inherited deafness pedigrees. Method Five hundred and forty-six non-syndromic neuro-sensory hearing loss patients were tested for 1555A→G mutation using a new compact testing kit, which allows clear distinction between wild type and 1555 A→G mutated mtDNAs. Results Nineteen subjects among the 546 patients (3.48%) were found to carry mtDNA A1555G mutation. The results were confirmed by sequencing in an ABI 3100 Avant sequencer. Conclusions Maternal inherited deafness families are a frequently seen in outpatient group. The detection of mtDNA 1555 A→G mutation with a low cost, ready to use detection kit is needed and suitable in China for large scale screening and preventive testing before usage of aminoglycoside antibiotics. To report a new screening method for mitochondrial DNA 1555A → G mutation and the results of genotype analysis in 19 maternal inherited deafness pedigrees. Method Five hundred and forty-six non-syndromic neuro-sensory hearing loss patients were tested for 1555A → G mutation using a new compact testing kit, which allows clear distinction between wild type and 1555 A → G mutated mtDNAs. Results Nineteen subjects among the 546 patients (3.48%) were found to carry mtDNA A1555G mutation. The results were confirmed by sequencing in an ABI 3100 Avant sequencer. Conclusions Maternal inherited deafness families are a frequently seen in outpatient group. The detection of mtDNA 1555 A → G mutation with a low cost, ready to use detection kit is needed and suitable in China for large scale screening and preventive testing before usage usage of aminoglycoside antibiotics.
为了探索夏秋季节造林的成活率,延长造林季节,我们作了对裸根苗的夏秋季造林试验,结果成活率高,生长正常.造林时要严格掌握以下几点:①剪去叶子和多余的侧 In order to exp
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