Task—based Language Teaching in College English Instruction

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  [Abstract]:The current English teaching in colleges is still characterized by the adoption of the traditional teaching method,which is known as the 3Ps approach(presentation,practice,production)and in which student participation and interaction are quite limited. Task-based language teaching(TBLT),a further development of communicative language teaching,seems to satisfy such demands by converting the communicative language teaching principles into a practical classroom teaching model. There are six important principles of designing tasks. Based on the principles of designing tasks a procedure for TBLT can be proposed.
  [Key words]:3Ps approach; Task-based language teaching; College English Instruction
  Although college English teaching and learning researches in China have undergone great changes during the past decades. The current English teaching in colleges is still characterized by the adoption of the traditional teaching method,which is known as the 3Ps approach(presentation,practice,production)and in which student participation and interaction are quite limited. Although the traditional grammar teaching method helps to improve the students’ mastery of the grammatical rules,the students cannot use these rules flexibly and appropriately in communication. That’s to say,the traditional teaching method has its disadvantages which prevent the students from developing their communicative competence. The teacher,being the “knower”,undertakes the task of transmitting knowledge to the students and orchestrates what the students do in class. The students accept the English knowledge passively in the procedures set ahead of time by English teachers step by step. So the students cannot improve their communicative strategies in English learning.
  Communicative language teaching has brought a marked shift from “what to learn” to “how to learn”. It holds the view that the ultimate goal of language teaching is to develop students’ communicative competence,which includes both the knowledge about language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. Syllabus for English Majors mentions “the teaching methods of the specialized courses are directly related to the development and improvement of students’ abilities. Classroom teaching should be student-centered and teacher-guided,and attaches importance to developing students’ learning abilities and research abilities”. In the past decades,teachers and researchers have devoted themselves to finding a method which functions as a bridge to join the usage and use of the language,the form and meaning,and the process and product. Task-based language teaching(TBLT),a further development of communicative language teaching,seems to satisfy such demands by converting the communicative language teaching principles into a practical classroom teaching model that organizes classroom activities around tasks.   III. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS OF “TASK”
  TBLT came into being in the 1980s. Different scholars defined task in a variety of ways. Nunan defines task from pedagogical angle. The task is a piece of classroom work that involves learners in comprehending,manipulating,producing,or interacting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to express meaning,and in which the intention is to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form. The task should also have a sense of completeness,being able to stand alone as a communicative act in its own right with a beginning,middle and an end.
  Nunan suggests that tasks should contain five parts:input,roles of teachers and students,goals,activities and settings. TBLT is a teaching method that puts tasks at the center of the methodological focus. It considers the learning process as a set of communicative tasks that are directly linked to the curricular goals. On one hand,TBLT advocates‘ using language to do things’,and requires that language teaching resemble the real world and be socialized,that a supporting condition favorable to language acquisition and internalization be created,and that language be used in a natural and meaningful way. On the other hand,the learners,through completing tasks,instead of learning from teacher or books,try to make use of all kinds of resources and employ various means to accomplish tasks so as to cultivate their abilities to use the language in an all-round way with the guidance of task goals,and by means of communication.
  There are six important principles of designing tasks.
  (1)The authenticity materials.
  (2)Be able to stimulate students' interest in use of language.
  (3)In ways that make form and function relationships transparent.
  (4)Design task step by step.
  (5)Pay attention to language form.
  (6)Learning by doing.
  Based on the principles of designing tasks a procedure for TBLT can be proposed. The procedure constitutes of three phases:pre-task,task cycle,and language focus.
  The pre-task phase. This phase centers on the introduction to topic and task. The teacher introduces the target task by previewing or reviewing words and phrases related to the task,by discussing topics associated with the task,and by assigning the learners relevant activities so as to help them acquire a full understanding of the task goal and outcome.
  The task cycle phase. In this phase,learners carry out tasks either individually,in pairs,or in groups. On the one hand the learners prepare for their reports concerning the implementation of task,on the other hand the teacher helps identify and correct errors in the learners’ reports. The aim of this stage is to supply the learners with opportunities to use the target language,and meanwhile enable them to pay sufficient attention to both language accuracy and fluency.   The language focus phase. In this phase,the teacher analysis the new words,phrases and sentence structures relevant to the listening or reading material to the learners and guides the students how to use difficult and important language points .
  Due to the fact that the more theory and the less practice,a number of related issues such as how the task is selected,how the teacher guides the learner responding to the TBLT practice,still remain for further studies and more explorations.
  [1] Qiaoling Lu. A Reconsideration of Task-based Language Teaching in College English Instruction. Master Degree Paper,4,2006.
  [2] Wang xiaojie. Research and Application of Task-based Instruction to Grammar Teaching for English Majors in Colleges. Master Degree Paper,September,2007.
  [3] Shouren Wang. Some Thoughts on College English Teaching in China[J]. FLLTP,2011,1:1-5.
  [4] Shanyan Tan. The Theories of Task-based Language Teaching and an Experimental Application in the Teaching of College Intensive Reading. Master Degree Paper,5,2006.
《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》指出:“幼儿园必须把保护幼儿的生命和促进幼儿健康放在工作的首位。”园长是幼儿园管理的核心领导者更要高度重视,要教育全园教职工认真对待这项工作。下面就如何做好幼儿园安全工作谈谈自己的看法:  一、园长要具有先进的法律意识和安全意识。  在新时期中国提出的“三个代表”中,其中 “代表广大人民群众的利益”落实在幼儿园就是代表幼儿、家长、全体员工的利益,保证幼儿园的正当权益,
[摘 要]:在教学中贯彻思想品德教育,重视语言表达能力,加强与学生的感情和思维的交流,这样才能更好地开展素质教育。  [关键词]:小学蒙语文教学 德育 语言 情感 素质教育  一、德育是提高学生素质教育的关键  在教学中对学生进行思想品德教育是一个不容忽视的问题,只有思想品德教育与学科特点有机结合,自然渗透,才能使学生在学习蒙语文的同时,更好地贯彻思想品德教育,从而提高思想道德素质。  
[摘 要]:本文从我校校情和教学实际出发,在挖掘现有教学资源的基础上,在学生合作学习、自主学习、自主训练的过程中,探索提高学生英语学习能力的教学模式,最终提高英语教学效率。本文就我校英语校本教材开发研究谈谈具体做法和观点  [关键词]:校本教研 分层教学  一、对于“校本教研”的基本认识  “校本教研”是指基于学校外语教学发展、基于教师学科教学研究、在实践行动中研究的学校一级的教学研究。 “校
我常常想,怎样在课堂抓住学生的心呢?我认为找准切入点最重要。多年的语文实践,我觉得要抓准切入点的三个要素:引导、发现、留白,这样更能吸引学生的课堂注意力,激发学生学习语文的兴趣。  一、巧抓文本切入的着眼点——引导  我在教授《桃花源记》时根据两个的班预习不同效果,依照学情组织教学,做到因势利导。  在第一个班,学生介绍陶渊明,我抓住陶渊明是“东晋诗人”,提问:“陶渊明既然是东晋诗人,那么这篇文章
[摘 要]:词汇是学习英语的基础,学好词汇对掌握语言有着至关重要的作用,词汇关过不了,对语句的理解记忆就会很吃力,更不用说文章阅读和语法理解了。因此,要提高英语教学质量,其中重要的一环就是要保证学生掌握一定数量的词汇,而词汇恰恰是学生学习英语的一大难关。  [关键词]:phonics 字母 发音 单词  《小学英语新课程标准》提出的“能根据拼读规律读出简单的单词”教学目标,而词汇教学是小学
[摘 要]:数学是现代文化不可缺少的重要组成部分,数学素养将是新世纪合格公民素质结构的一个重要因素。中专教学的目的是为社会输送使用人才为主的教育模式,其主要教学目标是突出能力培养。  [关键词]:新时期 中专数学教学 现状与对策  一、中专数学教学的基本状况  中专的学生数学基础一般都比较差而且程度参差不齐要圆满地完成教学任务有一定的困难。因此我们必须从学生的实际出发和从专业的实际出发,适当
多年来,由于受应教育的影响,在基础教育中普遍存在三个弊端,一是满堂灌,二是学生参与少,三是教师"目中无人",也就是在教学过程中,强调教师的引导作用多,而忽视学生的主体参与意识.只是让学生被动地听课,把学生当作装知识的容器,学生很难对上课或学生习产生极大的热情的.  从心理学的角度来看,人们一般向于对与自已有直接或间接关系的事件,活动感兴趣.因此,在教学中应该突出学生的主体意识,精心设计各种能最大限
[摘 要]:要改变农村初中音乐教学的现状,就要大胆进行开放型教学的尝试与探索,来培养学生的创新精神和创造能力。  [关键词]:农村初中音乐 开放性教学 创新  音乐教学的根本任务,就是要培养学生的创新精神和创造能力,这也是《新课程标准》向我们音乐教师提出的要求。据此,我根据农村初中音乐教学的实际情况和自己多年来的音乐教学实践,在初中音乐教学中大胆进行开放性教学的尝试与探索,来开发学生的智能,
一节课的开始就像整台戏的序幕,仿佛是一首优美乐章的序曲。课堂导入是一节课的开场白,无论是新授课,还是复习课,练习课,活动课,如果有了良好的导入,就能迅速激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生进入最佳的学习状态,就能保证教学的有效性。现结合小学数学教学实践,就小学数学课堂教学导入法谈谈我的一些做法与大家共勉。  一、直接引入法  教师一站在讲台上就开门见山,单刀直入,几句话引入新课。这样,使学生的情绪很快能安静