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肖童这些天一直通过熟人与某大城市交通部门的人接触,希望将他们厂生产的铅酸蓄电池做2008年时的绿色环保型电动车。他始终认为,他的产品从指标到性价比,在国内肯定能进入前三名。但对方不知是有意还是无意,总说铅酸电池过不了几年就要淘汰,建议他们厂搞点镍氢电池,或其他更好的东西。他知道对方也是内行,所以他老要揣摩对方的真正意图。 绿色环保这个概念仅仅用了三四年的时间就已经深入了人心。受冲击最大的领域之一当数能源领域。虽然高新技术不断出现,比如,从铅酸蓄电池已经进步到镍镉电池、镍氢电池、锂电池直到燃料电池,但石油的地位再过20年恐怕也不会变。电池方面,真正能输出大功率的仍是铅酸蓄电池。它理所当然地要成为电动自行车的能源。可是,突然间,一些大城市发布了“封杀令”,理由一个是扰乱交通,一个是废旧电池有污染。前一个理由还说得过去,后一个根本八杆子打不着。就在他“憋气”的时候,6月下旬,传来国家中长期科技发展规划领导小组第一次会议开始讨论制定国家中长期科技计划的消息。他举双手赞成,他虽然只是一个科技企业的管理人员,但早就发觉我们的科技发展似乎没有什么头绪,昨天想搞磁悬浮,今天想搞基因,明天又想上月球。结果,不仅耽误了很多宝贵的时间,还降低了老百姓对科技界的信 Xiao Tong has been through these acquaintances and people in a major city transport sector contacts, hoping to make their factory production of lead-acid batteries in 2008 when the green-electric cars. He always believes that his products from the indicator to the price, in the country will certainly be able to enter the top three. But the other party did not know whether it was intentional or not, always said lead-acid batteries will be eliminated in a few years, it is recommended they plant some nickel-metal hydride batteries, or other better things. He knows each other is also an expert, so he always try to figure out each other’s true intentions. The concept of green has only reached the hearts of the people in just three or four years. One of the most affected areas when the energy field. Although high-tech continues to emerge, for example, from lead-acid batteries have progressed to nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, lithium batteries until the fuel cell, but the oil’s position probably will not change in 20 years. Battery, the real power output is still lead-acid batteries. It is a matter of course to become an energy source for electric bikes. However, all of a sudden, some big cities issued a “block order,” one reason for disrupting traffic and the other for pollution of used batteries. The former reason is also justified, after a fundamental eight shots. Just as he was holding his breath, in late June, the first meeting of the national leading group for long-term science and technology development came to discuss the formulation of a national long-term science and technology plan. He gave his both hands in favor. Although he is only a manager of a technology enterprise, he has long noticed that there seems to be no clue about our technological development. Today, he wanted to make a magnetic levitation. Today he wants to make genes and wants to go to the moon tomorrow. As a result, it has not only delayed a lot of precious time but also reduced people’s trust in science and technology
摘 要:语言素养是个人的生活阅历变成自己的经验,总结出规律,成为他自己的一部分,使人不断的提升,最后变成行为的能力,写作能力是语言综合素养的体现,需要具体的方法加以运用。  关键词:写作;语言素养;运用   中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A文章编号:1992-7711(2012)01-006-1      “语言素养”是语文课程实施中学生持续的语言文化内化过程和课程实
要将贯彻落实十八大精神与解决当前的突出问题以及加快改革发展、促进企业和谐发展等工作结合,不断完善发展思路、改进工作措施,推动企业科学发展。 It is necessary to com
创业投资(Venture Capital,简称VC),又称风险投资。国内外权威学术机构、创业风险投资方面的专家学者和业界都有着不同的概括,目前尚未有统一的观点。根据美国全美风险投资协