坚持干部“四化”标准 加快调整领导班子步伐

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(一) 按照干部“四化”要求,整顿和建设领导班子,不仅是整顿企业的关键和前提,而且是关系到社会主义事业前途的战略问题。一年多来,全国已有1,010个邮电企业的领导班子进行了调整,占总数的36%。其中大中型骨干企业已调整23个,占69.7%。调整后的班子,干部“四化”程度有较大的提高。据对18个大中型骨干企业领导班子统计,人数由156人减少到105人,年龄平均降低4.9岁;具有大专以上文化程度的由调整前的31人增加到43人。新班子工作时间虽然还很短,但大部分已使企业呈现出新的面貌。成都市电信局新班子工作勤奋,在去年取得显著成绩的基础上,今年继续前进。上半年,通信质量十项指标有五项达到和超过了去年全国省会局平均先进水平,业务收入上缴收支差额都有较大增长。辽宁省已调整的28个企业班子中,敢字当头,奋发有为,能打开局面的约占70%。这些在工作有起色的 (1) Rectifying and building a leading body in accordance with the requirements of the “four modernizations” of cadres is not only the key and premise for rectifying the enterprise, but also a strategic issue that relates to the future of the cause of socialism. Over the past year, the leadership of 1,010 post and telecommunications enterprises in the country has been adjusted, accounting for 36% of the total. Among them, medium and large-sized backbone enterprises have adjusted 23, accounting for 69.7%. The adjusted team and cadres’ “four modernizations” have been greatly enhanced. According to the statistics of the leading groups of 18 large and medium-sized backbone enterprises, the number of people reduced from 156 to 105, with an average age of 4.9 years. The number of people with college education increased from 31 before adjustment to 43. Although the working hours of the new team are still short, most have given the company a new look. Chengdu Telecom Bureau diligent new team work, made remarkable achievements last year, on the basis of this year continue to move forward. In the first half of the year, there are five indicators of the ten indicators of communication quality that have reached or surpassed the average advanced level of the provincial capital bureaus last year, and the difference between the revenue and expenditure receipts and expenditures has been greatly increased. Liaoning Province has adjusted the 28 business team, dare to brave, work hard, can open the situation accounted for about 70%. These are good at work
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