Hepatitis C virus: Promising discoveries and new treatments

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beiebi3807b
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Despite advances in therapy, hepatitis C virus(HCV) infection remains an important global health issue. It is estimated that a significant part of the world population is chronically infected with the virus, and many of those affected may develop cirrhosis or liver cancer. The virus shows considerable variability, a characteristic that directly interferes with disease treatment. The response to treatment varies according to HCV genotype and subtype. The continuous generation of variants(quasispecies) allows the virus to escape control by antivirals. Historically, the combination of ribavirin and interferon therapy has represented the only treatment option for the disease. Currently, several new treatment options are emerging and are available to a large part of the affected population. In addition, the search for new substances with antiviral activity against HCV continues, promising future improvements in treatment. Researchers should consider the mutation capacity of the virus and the other variables that affect treatment success. It is estimated that a significant part of the world population is chronically infected with the virus, and many of those affected may develop cirrhosis or liver cancer. The The response to treatment latency according to HCV genotype and subtype. The continuous generation of variants (quasispecies) allows the virus to escape control by antivirals. Historically, the combination of ribavirin and interferon therapy has represented the only treatment option for the disease. Currently, several new treatment options are emerging and are available to a large part of the affected population. In addition, the search for new substances with antiviral activity against HCV continues, promising future improvements in treatment. Researchers should consider the mutation capacity of the virus and th e other variables that affect treatment success.
荣祥带着他的女人来这座城市求医,女人是不孕症。这个城市里荣祥只有一个朋友,就是汤圆。确切地说,汤圆是荣祥的老邻居和老同学。荣祥的女人有些担心,她说你同学能对咱们热情吗?大城市的人人情都挺淡薄的。荣祥抽了根烟说,汤圆也不是顶热情的,汤圆从小就对人不热情。荣祥的女人更担心了。  汤圆是和丈夫一起来接站的。汤圆眉目清秀长发披肩,穿一身优雅的套装,荣祥的女人立刻觉得自己的衣服太艳俗了,还有自己染黄的头发,
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幽默是一种素质,一种能力,一种能发挥重要功效的说话手段。大学英语教学本身就是一门很容易让学生枯燥乏味的课程,所以在课堂教学中营造幽默的氛围是十分有必要的。 Humor i
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