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或许很多人都觉得,我们的生活枯燥无味。多年前,清晨唤醒我们的是清脆悦耳的鸟鸣声,现在则是此起彼伏的汽车喇叭声,前者令人心旷神怡,后者却令人心烦意乱。时代的飞速发展带来的是生活便利,毁坏的是愉悦的心情。难道我们心甘情愿做现代生活的奴隶吗?难道我们愉悦的心情真的一去不复返了吗?我相信没有人希望这样的结果,那么就提一盏 Perhaps many people think that our life is boring. Many years ago, it was clear and sweet birdsong that woke us up early in the morning. Now it is the sound of a car horn, the former being delightful and the latter disturbing. The rapid development of the times brings convenience to life and destroys pleasure. Are we willing to be slaves to the modern life? Is our pleasure really gone? I believe no one wants this result, then mention a
Methods for evaluating the resistance to cathodic disbondment (RCD) of anti-corrosion coatings on buried pipelines were reviewed. It is obvious that these tradi
Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) is an autoimmune disorder with serious neurodevelopmental morbidity and limited treatment options. We treated a toddler with
Objective To detect the response of lymphocytes to radiation in untreated breast cancer patients with three different genetic assays. Methods Blood samples were
Reef-bank of Sichuan(四川) basin have been explored along the platform margin belt on both sides of the Kaijiang(开江)-Liangping(梁平) trough for a long time.Co
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of prenatal treatment for clinical manifestations of congenital toxoplasmosis. Methods: We prospectively identified 255 live
Objective. - To assess age differences associated with depressive symptoms and functional disability in children and adolescents with recurrent headache. Backgr
一位家世显赫的末代女王爷,一位在解放初青海省机构建制中立有首功的县长,在半个多世纪的岁月里,几乎尘封于浩瀚的史海之中,不为人知。 A prominent royal late prince, a c