Correlation between CD4, CD8 cell infiltration in gastric mucosa,Helicobacter pylori infection and s

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheerlucky
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AIM: To evaluate the correlation between CD4, CD8 cell infiltration in gastric mucosa, Helicobacter pylori(H pylori)infection and symptoms or the assemblage of symptoms in cases with chronic gastritis.METHODS: Biopsy samples at the gastric antrum were obtained from 62 patients with chronic gastritis. CD4 and CD8 cell infiltration was evaluated by immunohistochemical assays on frozen sections of the biopsy samples. Fifteen symptoms referring to digestion-related activity and nondigestion related activity were observed. The correlation between lymphocyte infiltration and each symptom or symptom assemblage was analyzed by logistic regression and K-mean cluster methods.RESULTS: CD4 cell infiltrations in gastric mucosa were much more in patients with H pylori infection, while CD8 cell infiltrations were similar in patients with or without H pylori infection. Logistic regression analysis showed that the symptoms including heavy feeling in head or body (t= 2.563), and thirst (t= 2.478) were significantly related with CD4 cell infiltration in gastric mucosa (P<0.05), and cool limbs with aversion to cold were related with CD8cell infiltration (t = 2.872, P<0.05). Further analysis showed that non-digestive related symptom assemblage could increase the predicted percentage of CD4 and CD8cell infiltration in gastric mucosa, including lower CD4infiltration by 12.5%, higher CD8 infiltration by 33.3%,and also non-H pylori infection by 23.6%.K-means cluster analysis of all symptoms and CD4 and CD8 cell infiltration in gastric mucosa showed a similar tendency to increase the predicted percentage of CD4, CD8 cell infiltration and H pylori infection.CONCLUSION: Based on correlation between the gastric mucosa lymphocyte infiltration, H pylori infection and clinical symptoms, symptoms or symptomatic assemblages play an important role in making further classification of chronic gastritis, which might help find a more specific therapy for chronic gastritis.
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