Modeling of low-frequency seismic waves in a shallow sea using the staggered grid difference method

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxx163252
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Elastic waves in the seabed generated by low-frequency noise radiating from ships are known as ship seismic waves and can be used to detect and identify ships.To obtain the propagation characteristics of ship seismic waves,an algorithm for calculating seismic waves at the seafl oor is presented based on the staggered-grid fi nite diff erence method.The accuracy of the algorithm was tested by comparison with analytical solutions.Numerical simulation of seismic waves generated by a low-frequency point sound source in a typical shallow sea environment was carried out.Using various source frequencies and locations in the numerical simulation,we show that the seismic waves in the near fi eld are composed mostly of transmitted S-waves and interface waves while transmitted P-waves are weak near the seafl oor.However,in the far fi eld,the wave components of the seismic wave are mainly normal modes and interface waves,with the latter being relatively strong in the waveforms.As the source frequency decreases,the normal modes become smaller and the interface waves dominate the time series of the seismic waves. Elastic waves in the seabed generated by low-frequency noise radiating from ships are known as ship seismic waves and can be used to detect and identify ships. To obtain the propagation characteristics of ship seismic waves, an algorithm for calculating seismic waves at the seafl oor is presented based on the staggered-grid fi nite diff erence method. The accuracy of the algorithm was tested by comparison with analytical solutions. Numerical simulation of seismic waves generated by a low-frequency point sound source in a typical shallow sea environment was carried out .Using various sources frequencies and locations in the numerical simulation, we show that the seismic waves in the near fi eld are composed mostly of transmitted S-waves and interface waves while transmitted P-waves are weak near the sea oor. However, in the far fi eld, the wave components of the seismic wave are mainly normal modes and interface waves, with the latter in relatively strong in the waveforms. As the source freque ncy decreases, the normal modes become smaller and the interface waves dominate the time series of the seismic waves.
摘 要:本文以吉林省为例对统计学本科在校生的学习现状及需求进行了抽样调查,通过对回收的219份有效问卷深入分析,结果表明:学生普遍觉得统计学专业的课程难度较大;大多数学生具有较高的学习意愿及热情;学校的课程设置存在一定欠缺,没有紧跟时代发展,不能完全满足社会行业的需求。  关键词:统计学;本科;调研分析  一、调查背景  近年来,随着统计学上升为一级学科以及“大数据”时代的到来,统计学的重要性和发
杜哥说,工友间的距离就是一个转身。平时总是叫心贴着胸,背靠着背,互相支撑。  来民企之前,我一直在一家国企工作,那时候看领导总是要仰视。没有别的意思,因为现场维修的工作总是需要猫着腰,领导来探班的时候也没时间站起来。  但是现在,老板同我们一样,都是在一线工作,与其说他是领导,倒更像同事、伙伴、一个普通工匠,他就是沈阳市胜华天合工程有限公司总经理杜祖光。  一次,我们在現场修阀门,调节阀的节流孔太
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慈善是无条件地共享,不计回报地给予。一个社会的文明程度越高,法制越健全,慈善的本质才会愈加明晰,作用、动力也才会越强大。 Charity is unconditionally shared and rewa
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爱,从点滴做起,从身边做起,从我做起,涓涓细流汇成海洋。公益领风尚,服务零距离,让我们用爱,守望美好生活。 Love, from the start bit by bit, start from the side, start