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一、观察400侧(成人200,儿童200)国人掌浅弓的解剖资料,根据直接由浅部入掌的各动脉来源、组合以及发育配布的状况,而分为四种基本类型,其中桡尺动脉型占总侧数47.25±2.50%,尺动脉型占46.25±2.49%,正中尺动脉型占6.00±1.19%,桡正中尺动脉型占0.50±0.35%。二、按照上述各类型中掌浅部动脉的吻接分离状况,发现其中呈弓形吻合者占总侧数81.25%,非弓形吻合者(即本文所谓借线形细支连接者)占6.75%,其余完全独立或互相分离者占12%。三、调查上述国人资料的指掌侧动脉的起源情况,其结果由浅弓分支构成小指尺掌侧动脉者为96.25%,构成各指掌侧总动脉者均在96%以上,构成食指桡掌侧动脉者为39%,分支供给拇指尺侧和桡侧者各为31%及12.75%。概言之,尺侧3(1/2)指主要由浅弓分支参予供给,桡侧1(1/2)指则大部分为深弓分支供给。四、讨论了各类型及各指掌侧动脉起源等问题的种族差别情况,并分析不同作者研究国人资料的结果,根据t值测验,证明戴蘅茹文献中尺动脉型弓和桡尺动脉型弓的出现率并无显著差异,故认为戴氏所谓国人掌浅弓中,尺动脉型弓占最多数,而应列为正常型的肯定性结论,尚有值得进一步探讨的必要。五、选取各型掌浅弓中成弓形吻合者114侧(成人14,儿童100),作为浅弓顶点表面投影定位的研究。结果得出顶点的自然分布境界,基本局限在掌正中线中点桡侧0.6厘米,尺侧0.5厘米,远侧0.45厘米,近侧0.35厘米所形成的长方形范围之内,并有89.96%的顶点集中在以中点为圆心,以0.35厘米为半径所绘成的圆内。尚未发现一例顶点平及头线或超出其远侧。除据此与国外书刊中不同说法对照讨论外,并分析我们所得结果基本适于代表我国成人和儿童的概况,谅可供作国人标准的参考。 First, observe the 400 side (adult 200, children 200) Chinese anatomy of the arch of the arch, according to direct access to the shallow from the palm of each artery source, combination and distribution of development, and divided into four basic types, including radial ulnar artery Type accounted for 47.25 ± 2.50% of the total number of side, ulnar artery type accounted for 46.25 ± 2.49%, 675 ± 1.19% of the median size of the artery, radial midrange artery accounted for 0.50 ± 0.35%. Second, in accordance with the above types of superficial part of the artery of the kissing separation status, found that the arched anastomosis accounted for 81.25% of the total number of non-arcuate anastomosis (ie, the so-called borrowed fine-grafted connector) accounted for 6.75%, the rest Completely independent or separated from each other who accounted for 12%. Third, to investigate the origin of palpable side arteries of the above-mentioned Chinese information, the results from the shallow arch branch constituted a small finger ulnar artery was 96.25%, constitute each finger palm of the common carotid artery in more than 96% constitute the index finger radial palmar Arterial was 39%, branch supply to the thumb ulnar and radial side were 31% and 12.75% respectively. In summary, the ulnar 3 (1/2) finger is mainly supplied by the superficial arch, while the radial 1 (1/2) finger is mostly supplied by the deep arch. Fourthly, discussing the racial differences of various types and the origins of finger palmar artery, and analyzing the results of different authors’ research on Chinese data. According to the t-value test, it is proved that Dai Juru’s middle-sized artery arch and radial ulnar artery type There was no significant difference in the appearance rate of the bow. Therefore, it is believed that Dai’s so-called Chinese people’s superficial arch had the largest number of ulnar artery bones and should be classified as a positive definite conclusion. There is still a need for further discussion. Five, select all types of arch arched bow anastomosis 114 side (adult 14, children 100), as a shallow bow vertex surface projection positioning research. The results obtained the peak of the natural distribution of the realm, the basic confinement in the midline palm midline radial 0.6 cm, 0.5 cm ulnar, 0.45 cm distal, 0.35 cm proximal formed within a rectangular range, and 89.96% of the apex Focus on the midpoint as the center to 0.35 cm radius of the painted circle. No vertices have been found flat and the headline or beyond its distal side. In addition to the above discussion with foreign books and periodicals in different terms, and analysis of our results are basically suitable for representing the general situation of adults and children in our country, forgive for reference for national standards.
近年来,碳纤维及其复合材料由于轻质高强、可导电、耐高温、抗疲劳、易加工等一系列优点在多个工业领域得到了广泛的应用。作为一种新型的电工材料,碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP,Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer)在风力发电、电动汽车、输电线缆、雷达等方面的需求迅速增长,未来仍具有很强的上升潜力。将三维打印技术应用于碳纤维复合材料可实现复合材料结构件的快速制造,并在复杂结构
微生物污垢广泛存在于工业循环冷却水系统、饮用水系统及海水系统的各种设备表面及内部。在工业循环冷却水系统中,微生物污垢的形成会降低换热设备的换热效率,造成了极大的能源浪费。温度梯度的存在使得换热设备上的微生物污垢的形成更加复杂,使得换热设备上微生物的抑制和清除较为困难,但是改性表面技术能够有效地抑制微生物的形成。本课题以厚度为0.5 mm的Q235碳钢为实验基材,将Q235碳钢切割成尺寸为30 mm