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东北电网有限公司锦州超高压局局长李险峰访谈背景:锦州超高压局成立几年来,在局长兼党委书记李险峰及全体领导班子的领导下,该局干部职工始终以科学发展观为统领,求真务实、开拓进取,实现了安全生产和职工队伍稳定,企业综合实力得到明显增强。先后荣获全国模范职工之家、全国安康杯优胜单位、全国青年文明号、辽宁省五.一奖状、文明单位、思想政治工作先进单位、国家电网公司文明单位、 Interview with Li Xianfeng, Director of the Jinzhou EHV Bureau of Northeast Power Grid Co., Ltd. Background: In the past few years since the establishment of the Jinzhou EHV Bureau, under the leadership of Li Xianfeng, Secretary of the Party Secretary and Secretary of the Party Committee, and all leadership groups, the cadres and staff of the Bureau have always been guided by the scientific concept of development. Real and pragmatic, pioneering and progressing, achieved safety production and stable workforce, and the overall strength of the enterprise has been significantly enhanced. Has won the National Model Workers’ Home, the National Ankang Cup winning unit, the National Youth Civilization No.1, the Liaoning Province V.1 certificate, the civilized unit, the advanced unit of ideological and political work, and the national grid company’s civilized unit.
虽然端午粽子的销售远比不上中秋月饼,但是由于被列入国家法定假期,今年的端午特别值得期待。从多家食品生产企业获悉,他们都对今年端午节的粽子销售十分看好,预计企业的销售增长都在两位数。但是业界也普遍反映,由于成本上涨,今年粽子的零售价格可能比去年要高15%至20%左右。     市场 粽子销售即将迎来高峰  今年的端午节是6月8日,虽然端午年年过,但是由于今年是端午节被列入国家法定节假日的第一年,所以
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