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近日,中共中央纪委印发了《关于纪检监察机关认真学习贯彻党的十八大精神的通知》,要求各级纪检监察机关迅速兴起学习宣传贯彻的热潮,带头学习领会、深入贯彻落实好党的十八大精神。为了深刻领会和全面把握党的十八大基本精神和深刻内涵,学深学透党的十八大对党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争提出的新要求,本刊特约了中共中央纪委一些从事反腐倡廉建设理论研究的领导和同志为本刊撰写了一系列对党的十八大精神作深度解读的文稿,旨在帮助大家通过深入全面系统的学习,切实把思想统一到党的十八大精神和省委的部署上来,把力量凝聚到实现党的十八大确定的各项任务和山西转型跨越发展上来,更好地担负起党和人民赋予的神圣职责,不断取得党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的新成效,为实现党的十八大作出的重大战略部署提供坚强保障。这些文稿从本期开始连续刊发,请读者关注。 Recently, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the CPC Central Committee issued the Circular on Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Organs to Seriously Study and Implement the 18th National Congress of the CPC, requiring discipline inspection and supervision departments at all levels to quickly launch a boom in learning, propaganda and implementation, take the lead in studying and understanding and thoroughly implementing the party’s ten Eight spirits. In order to profoundly understand and comprehensively grasp the basic spirit and profound connotation of the 18th CPC National Congress, and learn deeply about the new requirements put forward by the 18th CPC National Congress on the party’s work style and building a clean government and the fight against corruption, we have made special arrangements for some anti-corruption work conducted by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection The leaders and comrades of the research on the theory of building a clean government have written a series of contributions to this essay that provide an in-depth interpretation of the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress. The purpose is to help everyone unify their thoughts with the 18th CPC National Congress through thorough and systematic study Spirit and the deployment of the provincial party committee, to unite the strength to achieve the tasks set by the 18th CPC National Congress and the leapfrog development in Shanxi’s transition, to better assume the sacred duties entrusted by the party and the people, and to continuously make efforts to improve the party’s work style and clean government The new achievements of the anti-corruption struggle provide a firm guarantee for the major strategic plan made by the 18th National Party Congress. These contributions have been published continuously since the current issue. Please pay attention to readers.
如作为一名基层组工干部,常常与基层党员、干部打交道,流动党员管理成为当前各级组织部门和各级党员干部关注的一个焦点和热点,何做好流动党员的管理与服务呢! As a grass-r
复方硼砂溶液又名朵贝尔溶液 ,其处方组成为 :硼砂 15g,碳酸氢钠 15 g,甘油 3 5 m L,液化苯酚 3 m L,加蒸馏水至10 0 0 m L即得。复方硼砂溶液是临床治疗口腔炎、扁桃体炎、