
来源 :种子世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saosaoxp
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1.种子繁殖法 (1)采种。香椿7~8年后开始结实,一般选择15~20年生的健壮母树,到10月中旬蒴果由绿变为黄绿色,且尚未开裂,种胚已经成熟时采种为宜。 (2)贮种。采摘后,晒裂蒴果脱出种子,把种子和砂按1:2的比例充分混匀,放入缸或瓷罐中,置在1~5℃温度下贮藏。 (3)浸种催芽。一般在春季3~4月份播种。播种前用35~40℃的温水浸种15~24小时,再用清水清洗后,捞出放在20~25℃的温度下催芽,待种子裂嘴后即可播种。 (4)播种。以日平均温度达到1~5℃时播种为宜,尽量提前早播,播种前施足基肥,调好床土,灌足底水,按25~30厘米行距开沟,沟深3~4厘米,然后条播在沟中耙平畦面,适当镇压,播量以每亩1.5~2 1. Seed breeding method (1) Seeds. Toon 7 to 8 years after the start strong, the general selection of 15 to 20-year-old robust mother tree, capsule by mid-October from green to yellow-green, and has not yet cracked, embryo maturity is appropriate to seed. (2) stocking. After picking, the sun sunken the capsule out of seeds, the seeds and sand by 1: 2 ratio of the full mix, into the cylinder or porcelain jar, set at 1 ~ 5 ℃ temperature storage. (3) soaking seed germination. Generally sow in spring from March to April. Sowing with 35 ~ 40 ℃ warm water soaking 15 to 24 hours before sowing, and then rinse with water, remove and put at 20 ~ 25 ℃ temperature germination until the seeds can be sown after snapping. (4) sowing. When the daily average temperature reaches 1 ~ 5 ℃ sowing is appropriate, try to early sowing in advance, sowing enough before the base fertilizer, fine soil bed, filling the foot of water, according to 25 ~ 30 cm row spacing, ditch deep 3 to 4 cm , And then broadcast in the ditch rake flat noodles, appropriate suppression, sowing to 1.5 to 2 acres per acre
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