Calcium signaling in cholangiocytes

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinamp3jgy
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Cytosolic Ca2+ is an important second messenger in virtually every type of cell. Moreover, Ca2+ generally regulates multiple activities within individual cells. This article reviews the cellular machinery that is responsible for Ca2+ signaling in cholangiocytes. In addition, two Ca2+-medi-ated events in cholangiocytes are discussed: bicarbonate secretion and apoptosis. Finally, emerging evidence is reviewed that Ca2+ signaling is involved in the pathogen-esis of diseases affecting the biliary tree and that Ca2+ signaling pathways can be manipulated to therapeutic advantage in the treatment of cholestatic disorders. Cytosolic Ca2 + is an important second messenger in virtually every type of cell. Moreover, Ca2 + generally regulates multiple activities within individual cells. This article reviews the cellular machinery that is responsible for Ca2 + signaling in cholangiocytes. In addition, two Ca2 + -medi-ated events in cholangiocytes are discussed: bicarbonate secretion and apoptosis. Finally, emerging evidence is that that Ca2 + signaling is involved in the pathogen-esis of diseases affecting the biliary tree and that Ca2 + signaling pathways can be manipulated to therapeutic advantage in the treatment of cholestatic disorders.
2月20日 晴   爸,来,请坐下,让我为您画张像吧!铺开纸,调好颜料。哦,应该用什么了?颜色——红,橙,黄,绿,青,蓝,紫。该用哪种颜色先画呢?哦,爸爸,我不是画家,我不懂这些,我只能在心里默默地画你。   爸,你坐好,我开始为你画了啊!四十刚出头的你,头发由原来的乌黑浓密变成了稀疏而夹杂着银丝。哦,爸爸,你太累了。每天早出晚归,有时还要送弟弟上学。除了上班以外,还要为我们操心。工作上你任劳任怨
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2月9日 晴   “唉,你看……”“这个人怎么会这样啊……”一大清早,我和奶奶起床准备去锻炼,看见一大群人围在小区门口嘀咕着什么。我和奶奶挺好奇,便凑过去瞧了瞧。   原来有一位女人要搬到这个小区里来,这个女人不仅长相丑陋无比,而且一只脚还有严重的残疾。怪不得别人都聚在那儿看呢。我和奶奶也没有太在意,继续锻炼去了。门口的人渐渐散去。   一个星期六中午,我准备去超市买点东西,不巧在二楼窗口看见
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