
来源 :政治经济学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:one_tester
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在虚拟经济迅速发展的今天,财富的本质属性问题重新引起人们的关注。有学者从马克思关于财富的本质属性是其社会属性的观点,推导出单纯以价值形式存在的财富更能体现市场经济中财富的真正属性,认为虚拟财富也是真实的财富。但谈论财富的社会性与谈论财富的真实性并不是同一个命题。强调财富的社会性是为了说明财富的社会形式对财富的运动具有决定性的作用,强调财富的真实性则是要说明只有物质财富才是维系人类社会生存与发展的现实基础。虚拟财富在市场经济中的重要经济功能并不能改变虚拟财富作为抽象财富的性质。虚拟财富自身不能进入人类的生活消费和生产消费,它们不过是对实际财富具有索取权的“法律证书”。只有认识物质财富与虚拟财富的本质区别,才能真正承认实体经济与虚拟经济的本质区别,正确理解实体经济与虚拟经济的相互关系。 With the rapid development of virtual economy, the issue of the essential property of wealth re-attracts people’s attention. Some scholars deduce from Marx’s view that the essential attribute of wealth is its social attribute, deducing that the mere existence of value in the form of value can better reflect the true attribute of wealth in the market economy and that virtual wealth is also true wealth. But talking about the sociality of wealth and talking about the authenticity of wealth is not the same proposition. Emphasizing the sociality of wealth is to show that the social forms of wealth play a decisive role in the movement of wealth. Emphasizing the authenticity of wealth means that only material wealth is the realistic basis for maintaining the survival and development of human society. The important economic function of virtual wealth in a market economy does not change the nature of virtual wealth as abstract wealth. Virtual wealth itself can not enter into the consumption of human life and production and consumption. They are merely “legal certificates” that claim the actual wealth. Only by understanding the essential difference between material wealth and virtual wealth can we truly recognize the essential difference between real economy and virtual economy and correctly understand the relationship between real economy and virtual economy.
不论孩子年龄多小,哪怕是抱在怀里的婴儿,都要一个不漏地介绍给客人。  有客人第一次来家里作客,你会怎样接待?  我在国外见过这种场景:一家人全都在门口迎候,客人到了,主人先介绍客人,然后介绍家人。介绍家人时,父母通常会先介绍他们自己,比如丈夫介绍妻子说:“这是我的夫人某某某。”或妻子介绍说:“这是我的先生某某某。”然后,便郑重其事地逐一向客人介绍自己的孩子:“这是我的大儿子汤姆,这是我的二儿子杰恩