开阔视野找差距 鼓足干劲上台阶——中南六省区举行工会财务工作研讨会

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中南六省(区)第八次工会财务工作研讨会,于1990年11月8日至10日在海南省三亚市召开。参加会议的代表有六省(区)工会分管财务工作的领导和财会干部共109人。海南省总工会主席王爽主持并作会议总结。三亚市委副书记陈人忠和海南省总工会秘书长朱宏民先后介绍了三亚市和海南省改革、开放建设情况,使与会代表深受鼓舞。这次会议指导思想明确,紧紧围绕财务工作会议精神,广泛交流了六省(区)工会财务工作的经验,探讨了工会财务工作有关理论问题。这次会上交流的经验主要有以下五个方面。一、措施得力,办法灵活,不断提高工会经费收缴率。如河南、广东等市县实行目标管理责任制、超额回拨奖励的办法,把核定收解工会经费指标任务层层 The Seminar on the Financial Work of the Eighth Trade Unions of the Six Central Provinces (Regions) Held in Sanya, Hainan Province from November 8 to November 10, 1990. Representatives attending the meeting have six provinces (autonomous regions) trade unions in charge of financial work of the leadership and financial cadres a total of 109 people. Wang Shuang, chairman of Hainan Federation of Trade Unions presided over and made a summary of the meeting. Chen Renzhong, deputy secretary of Sanya Municipal Committee, and Zhu Hongmin, secretary general of Hainan Federation of Trade Unions, introduced the reform and opening up of Sanya City and Hainan Province and encouraged the delegates. The guiding ideology of the meeting was clear and focused around the spirit of the financial work conference. The meeting extensively exchanged experiences of the financial work of trade unions in the six provinces (autonomous regions) and discussed the theoretical issues concerning the financial work of trade unions. The exchange of experience at this meeting mainly in the following five aspects. First, effective measures, flexible approach to continuously improve the collection rate of union funds. Such as Henan, Guangdong and other cities and counties to implement the responsibility system for target management, the excess back to the reward approach, the approved acceptance of trade union funds targets task layers
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鹤壁市蔬菜果品批发市场漏征漏管户王合生等人在税务部门依法征税时对税干大打出手,致使多人受伤,二人住院治疗。目前,主要行凶者王合生已被公安机关刑事拘留。 8月17日上午