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1983年8月25日国家颁布的《全国供用电规则》,是各级电力部门的领导和从事供用电工作的有关人员以及电力使用者依法办事的重要法律依据.除此以外,国家还颁布了不少关于供用电方面的法规、规章和文件,概括起来主要有以下这些:1982年5月11日,国务院批转了《水利电力部关于按省市、自治区实行计划用电包干的暂行管理办法》.1983年9月23日,水利电力部和公安部联合发布了《关于严禁在农村安装电网的通告》.1984年1月18日,国务院发布了《关于电力统一分配确保重点企业用电的暂行规定》.1985年5月23日,国务院批转了国家经济委员会、国家计划委员会、水利电力部、国家物价局联合发布的《关于鼓励集资办电和实行多种电价的暂行规定》. August 25, 1983 the country promulgated the “National Rules for the supply of electricity,” the power sector at all levels of leadership and engaged in work for the power of personnel and electricity users an important legal basis for doing things in accordance with the law. In addition, the state also Promulgated a number of laws, regulations and documents on the supply of electricity, summed up mainly include the following: May 11, 1982, the State Council approved the “Ministry of Water Conservancy on the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities plan to implement electricity Interim Measures for the Administration. ”On September 23, 1983, the Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power and the Ministry of Public Security jointly promulgated the“ Circular on the Prohibition of Installing Power Grids in Rural Areas. ”On January 18, 1984, the State Council promulgated the“ Circular on Uniform Assignment of Electric Power to Ensure Key Enterprises Interim Provisions on the Use of Electricity. ”On May 23, 1985, the State Council approved the Interim Provisions on Encouraging Fund-raising and Implementation of Multi-tariffs Issued by the State Economic Commission, the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity and the State Price Bureau ".
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马修17岁那年,父母就离异了。从那天起,马修没有再到过学校,整日和街头“夹克仔”们混在一起。22岁那年,他因盗窃而被判入狱。  6年后,28岁的马修服刑期满重获自由。他不想再重蹈覆辙,决定找份工作过正常人的生活。几经周折,终于有一家社区便利店的老板愿意雇佣马修。  便利店老板名叫格雷特,是个身体矮胖的老者,很快,社区有人知道马修曾是蹲过监狱的人,从那以后,许多人不愿再来此购物,便利店的经营状况日渐
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