
来源 :浙江大学学报(工学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huei59
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分析了国内服装行业标准存在的主要问题,包括标准反馈脱节、标准制订周期过长、广大企业难以参与到行业标准建设中等问题,提出了服装行业标准共建方法.该方法主要采用Wiki技术.Wiki技术具有放开编辑的特点,为集体智慧的共享提供了一个方便的网络协作环境.利用Wiki技术,使广大服装企业及时在网络上反馈标准实施意见,共同讨论完善标准,同时可快速、低成本、高质量在网络上协同参与服装标准的建设.开发了一个基于Wiki技术的服装行业标准共建平台,该平台提供了wiki技术开放编辑、网络标准信息自动获取、专利远程检索、用户权限管理和通过投票、打分等评价方法推选优秀标准共建条目与优秀的参与标准共建的企业等功能.通过该平台的使用,可进一步说明Wiki技术在服装标准共建中能起到积极的作用. This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the domestic apparel industry standards, including the out-of-standard feedback, the long period of standard-setting, and the difficulty for the majority of enterprises to participate in the construction of the industry standard, and puts forward the method of building apparel industry standards. Technology has the characteristics of letting go of editing and provides a convenient network collaboration environment for the sharing of collective wisdom.With Wiki technology, the majority of garment enterprises timely feedback standard implementation opinions on the network to discuss and perfect standards, and at the same time, it can quickly and cost-effectively , High-quality collaborative participation in the construction of clothing standards on the Internet.We have developed a standard platform for garment industry based on Wiki technology, which provides open editing of wiki technology, automatic retrieval of network standard information, patent remote retrieval, user rights management and By voting, scoring and other evaluation methods to select excellent co-built entries and outstanding participation standards co-founded enterprises and other functions.Through the use of the platform, Wiki can further illustrate the co-construction of apparel standards can play a positive role.
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