Development Trends of China's Urban Planning Work

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiwho
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Since the eighties, the development of China’s urban planning work has ev-er been keeping pace with the progression of China’s reform and opening to the outsideworld. Every high tide of reform and opening to the outside world has become the boom-ing period of city planning work development. After the southern investigation tourspeech of Mr Deng Xiaoping this year, again a new high tide of reform and opening to theoutside world has emerged in our country, our city planning work have also entered a newgolden stage. From the achievements of China’s city planning work in recent years, sever-al trends mentioned below are significant. Since the eighties, the development of China’s urban planning work has ev-er been keeping pace with the progression of China’s reform and opening to the outside world. Every high tide of reform and opening to the outside world has become the boom-ing period of city Planning work development. After the southern investigation tourspeech of Mr. Deng Xiaoping this year, again a new high tide of reform and opening to the outside world has emerged in our country, our city planning work has entered a newgolden stage. From the achievements of China’s City planning work in recent years, sever-al trends mentioned above are are significant.
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7月28日,本刊和上海市政协经济委员会、上海市产权交易管理办公室共同主办了“推进上海产权基础设施建设” 研讨会。来自境内外的专家学者、官员和市场人士共100多人参加了研
1 前言在炼铁生产中,以煤代焦是降低生铁成本、增产降耗的有效途径之一。目前大多数高炉主要从风口喷吹煤粉来完成此项技术,所喷吹的煤种主要有烟煤、无烟煤或混合煤。九十
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<正> 随着我国科学、文化、艺术的繁荣和公民法律意识的提高,建立健全著作权立法,切实保护作者的著作权益,妥善处理各种著作权纠纷,已经日益受到社会各界的关注和重视。在此形势下,中国人民大学法学院法学研究所、民法教研室和知识产权法教研中心于3月14日联合举行了著作权法学理论研讨会。中国人民大学、中国政法大学、国家版权局的专家、学者及法院、新闻单位的一些同志参加了会议。与会者结