
来源 :中国石油石化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snake_icy1
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谈起新中国的石油工业,第一个想起的必是大庆油田。近五十年的风雨兼程,几代石油人奉献的青春和终生,铸造了大庆一个又一个传奇。这里不仅藏油卧气,更是英雄辈出。前有两代“铁人”为了油田发展在精神和科技上“宁肯少活二十年,拼命也要拿下大油田”和“宁可把心血熬干,也要让油田稳产再高产”的执着追求,现有大庆油田在管理上为人才敞开一切大门、为人才创造条件的新锐理念,和“谋求持续有效发展,创建百年油田”的宏伟实践,才令得这片土地涌现的不仅仅是石油,富有的不仅仅是资源。正是无数为了石油汇聚到大庆、奋战在大庆的人,才使得这片土地动力不竭、生生不息。 2004年11月21日,中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司井下作业分公司经理王新纯荣获第15届“中国十大杰出青年”称号。在全国评选中,王新纯行业排名第一,整体排名第五,成为大庆油田、中国石油集团、石油石化系统有史以来获此项殊荣的第一人, 凝神一想,这个第一又是出自大庆。这个第一当然出自大庆! When it comes to the new China’s oil industry, the first thing that comes to mind is the Daqing oilfield. Nearly 50 years of trials and hardships, generations of oil people dedicate their youth and life, casting Daqing one after another legend. Here not only possession of oil lying gas, it is a hero in many. Formerly two generations of “iron man” in order to oilfield development in the spirit and technology “would rather live less two decades, desperately also won the big oil field ” and “would rather work hard, but also to stabilize the oil field High yield ”, the existing Daqing Oilfield has opened the door to talents in management, the cutting-edge concept of creating conditions for talents, and the magnificent practice of“ seeking continuous and effective development and creating a hundred-year oilfield ” The land is not just oil, but wealth is more than just resources. It is countless for the oil to converge to Daqing, fighting in Daqing, it makes this piece of land inexhaustible power, endless. On November 21, 2004, Wang Xinchun, manager of the underground operation branch of PetroChina Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd., won the title of the 15th “Top Ten Outstanding Youth of China”. In the nationwide selection, Wang Xin pure industry ranked first, fifth overall, as Daqing Oilfield, China National Petroleum Group, the history of petroleum and petrochemical systems won the honor of the first person, think it over, this is the first from Daqing. The first of course, from Daqing!
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今年2月份,为了解人们对当前石油石化业热点问题的看法,本刊进行了一次问卷调查。调查对象是有关专家、学者及相关人士。现将调查结果公布如下: February this year, in ord
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