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农村的粮食计划供应工作,是农村中极为重要的工作之一。这件工作做得好坏与否,对于能否搞好农业生产及其它各项农村工作,均有着直接的影响;在当前来说,做好农村粮食供应工作,对于动员农民超额完成全省的农业增产计划,更有其十分重要的意义。无可怀疑,全省的粮食计划供应工作是有成绩的,是逐渐改进和提高的,下面的事实可以说明这个问题:到六月底,在全省六千四百五十五个乡中,已有四千九百二十一个乡,即百分之七十六点二的乡已给缺粮户发了购粮证,并及时供应了缺粮户所需的粮食;在进行粮食计划供应的同时,全省还建立了一千二百二十个由国家领导的没有私商参加的新型的粮食初级市场,国家通过这些粮食初级市场,除组织农民之间相互调剂有无和品种互换外,还收购了一亿零四百多万斤粮食。这些事实表明,我省的粮食计划供应工作,已经开始走上正常的轨道。面对上述事实,今后在粮食供应工作上,应该是在现有的基础上,继续发动羣众,深入的宣传贯彻粮食统购统销政策,检查与解决工作中存在的问题,把粮食供应工作再向前推进一步,使计划供应工作更趋完善与合理。有些地区也确实这样做了,伹也有不少地区和相当多的干 Rural food supply planning is one of the most important tasks in rural areas. Whether this work is done well or not will have a direct impact on the ability to do a good job in agricultural production and other rural work. In the current situation, doing a good job in providing rural grain supplies is very important for mobilizing peasants to over-complete the province Increasing agricultural production plan, more of its very important significance. Undoubtedly, the province’s food planning and supply work has made progress and is gradually improved and raised. The following facts illustrate this issue: By the end of June, in the 6,455 townships in the province, In the rural area of ​​4,191 townships or 76.2%, grain purchasing certificates have been issued to food-deficit households and food supplies for food-lacking households have been provided in a timely manner. During the food supply project At the same time, the province has also established 1220 state-led new grain primary markets without private sector participation. Through these primary grain markets, the state intervened in addition to organizing peasants to swap and breed interchange In addition, it also acquired more than 104 million kilos of grain. These facts show that our province’s food supply planning work has begun to take the normal track. Faced with the above facts, in the future, we should continue to mobilize the masses on the basis of the current situation, thoroughly publicize and carry out the policy on the state monopoly for the purchase and sale of grain, examine and resolve the existing problems in our work, and redirect the food supply work to Take a step forward to make planning and supply work more perfect and reasonable. In some areas, this is indeed done, and there are quite a few areas and a fair amount of work done
Peptide transporter 1 (PepT1),highly expressed on the apical membrane of enterocytes,is involved in energy balance and mediates intestinal absorption of peptido