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目的:研究一种简单、快捷、经济和准确的对浅前房、窄房角筛检的试验及分级标准,制作一套分级标准照片,供不同条件、不同水平的医疗卫生工作者应用。方法:首先对不同前房深度的120眼进行前房轴深(AACD)、周边前房深度(PACD)、房角镜(ACA)检查和模拟手电筒侧照前房的裂隙灯照相,并把照片进行计算机图象分析处理,计算出鼻侧虹膜光带之比(ILBR)。把ILBR与相应AACD、PACD和ACA进行相关分析,根据分析的结果对ILBR进行分级,并做成一套分级标准照片。结果:1.手电筒侧照法ILBR与PACD、AACD、ACA均有相关关系,其中ILBR与PACD:r=0.9451,P=0.0001;ILBR与AACD:r=0.8725,P=0.0001;ILBR与ACA:r=-0.7587,P=0.0001。2.ILBR分级与房角的关系。Ⅰ级:ILBR≤1/5,该分级大部分房角为N3—4;Ⅱ级:ILBR>1/5-≤1/4,大部分房角为N2—3;Ⅲ级:ILBR>1/4-≤1/3,大多数房角为N1—2;Ⅳ级:IL-BR>1/3-≤1/2,大部分房角为W—N1;Ⅴ级:ILBR>1/2,房角全部为W。ILBR分级与PACD、AACD和ACA的相关分析显示有相关关系。结论:通过研究手电筒侧照法这一对浅前房和窄房角筛检试验,经过合理的分级制作出一套标准的分极标准照片,使该法不仅有简便、快捷、经济的特点,而且具有准确的优点。该法不但对原发性闭角型青光眼的群体筛检起重要作用,而且在日常临 OBJECTIVE: To study a simple, fast, economical and accurate test and classification standard for screening shallow anterior chamber and narrow angle and to make a set of grading standard photos for medical and health workers of different conditions and different levels. Methods: The depth of anterior chamber (AACD), PACD, ACA examination and slit lamp photographing in the anterior chamber of flashlight were simulated for 120 eyes with different anterior chamber depth. Computer image analysis was performed to calculate the nasal iris band ratio (ILBR). ILBR with the corresponding AACD, PACD and ACA correlation analysis, according to the results of the analysis of ILBR grading, and made a set of standard photos. ILBR and PACD: r = 0.9451, P = 0.0001; ILBR and AACD: r = 0.8725, P = 0.0001; The correlation between ILBR and ACA: r = -0.7587, P = 0.0001.2.ILBR classification and the relationship between the angle. Ⅰ grade: ILBR≤1 / 5, most of the classification room for the N3-4; Ⅱ grade: ILBR> 1/5-≤1 / 4, most of the room for the N2-3; Ⅲ grade: ILBR> 4-≤1 / 3, most of the angle is N1-2; Ⅳ grade: IL-BR> 1/3-≤1 / 2, most of the room angle is W-N1; All corners are W. ILBR classification and PACD, AACD and ACA correlation analysis showed a correlation. Conclusion: Through the study of flashlight side-view method, which is a pair of shallow anterior chamber and narrow-angle screening test, a set of standard polarizing standard photos are produced through reasonable classification, which makes the method not only simple, quick and economical, And with accurate advantages. This method not only plays an important role in the screening of primary angle-closure glaucoma, but also in the daily routine
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