Academic Honor

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  Li Si (center), a professor at the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center of Tsinghua University, receives the Morningside Gold Medal of Mathematics award at the opening ceremony of the Seventh International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians in Beijing on August 6.
  The congress is a triennial event that brings together Chinese and overseas mathematicians for the discussion of developments in mathematics.

   Progress Targets
  China expects knowledge-intensive services to contribute 20 percent of its GDP in 2020, up from 15.6 percent in 2015, according to the latest five-year plan for the nation’s scientific and technological progress.
  The total factor productivity (TFP), of which technological progress is a key sub-section, aims to account for 60 percent of the country’s economic growth in 2020, up from 55.3 percent last year, according to the plan, which was published by the State Council on August 8. The TFP is the measure of the efficiency of all inputs to a production process.
  The number of Chinese patent applications submitted under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in 2020 is expected to be double the number submitted in 2015, the plan states.
  Government priorities over the next five years include directing resources to key and long-term strategic areas, fostering domestic creativity, creating a favorable policy environment and removing barriers to innovation.
  The plan lists measures to improve legislation regarding scientific research and technological development, streamline fundraising systems and raise governance efficiency.
   Genome Databases
  A genome project for newborn babies was launched in Shanghai on August 7 to aid the early identification and treatment of hereditary diseases.
  Jointly initiated by the Chinese Board of Genetic Counseling and the Children’s Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai, the project will carry out genetic testing on 100,000 newborn babies over the coming five years.
  The findings will be gathered in a database, and a genetic testing standard for hereditary diseases will be developed, which will improve the identification and treatment of inherited diseases.
  Huang Guoying, President of the hospital, said that early identification can help doctors devise better treatment strategies and improve patients’ quality of life.
  On the same day, the Chinese Board of Genetic Counseling and a hospital affiliated with Shandong University jointly launched China’s embryo genome project.   An embryo genome database will improve research into, and understanding of, embryo development and increase diagnostic rates.
  Some 7,000 inherited diseases are known to exist, and about 900,000 babies are born with birth defects in China annually, according to sources with the Chinese Board of Genetic Counseling.
   Subsidies for Orphans
  The Central Government will allocate more funds to the basic living allowance for orphans and children living with HIV/AIDS, the Ministry of Finance said on August 8.
  It will channel 700 million yuan($105 million) more into the allowance fund this year, according to a statement on the ministry’s website.
  Coupled with the 1.24 billion yuan ($187 million) already extended, the Central Government has allocated 1.94 billion yuan ($292 million) to the fund this year.
  Orphans and children living with HIV/AIDS in China’s less-developed western regions receive 400 yuan($60) each month, while those in central areas and eastern provinces get 300 yuan ($45) and 200 yuan($30) per month, respectively.
  China has more than 500,000 orphans and children living with HIV/AIDS.
   Terror Fight
  The government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region unveiled China’s first local counterterrorism legislation on August 5.
  Based on China’s Counterterrorism Law, passed in December 2015, the local rules detail and supplement the national law in defining terror activities and terrorists, security precautions, intelligence, investigations, countermeasures and punishment.
  The statute, which features measures to implement the Counterterrorism Law in the region and contains 61 items in 10 chapters, took effect on August 1. The new measures stress that religious extremism is one of the ideological bases of terrorism and must be prevented and punished.
  Nayim Yasen, head of the Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Regional People’s Congress, said that the region, as the main battlefield in China’s war against terrorism, has gained experience in combating terrorism in recent years, ensuring the practicality and effectiveness of the new legislation.
   Transparent Procurement
  Information on military equipment research projects has been made public for the first time in China to encourage competition in the formerly closed sector, the PLA Daily reported on August 8.
  The Procurement Bureau of the Equipment Development Department under the Central Military Commission (CMC) and the armament departments of the Army and Navy have released on an official weapons procurement website details of over 800 projects that will receive funding totaling 3.7 billion yuan ($557 million).   The military will continue to update the content of, which was launched in January 2015 in a move to open China’s defense sector to private enterprises and boost competition in military procurement.
  According to Lu Bin, from the website, the information resource has already clocked up 300,000 visitors, and over 800 enterprises have sought further information through offline consultation channels in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Chongqing and Xi’an.
  Since its inception, the website has accrued over 9,000 registered enterprise and institutional users and has issued over 2,000 notices on military procurement.
   Tiger Breeding
  China’s largest Siberian tiger breeding center, the Heilongjiang Siberian Tiger Park, announced on August 7 that it has bred over 50 tiger cubs so far this year.
  Located in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, the park has over 1,000 Siberian tigers. Scientists handpick certain tigers, using a DNA database, to breed the next generation every year.
  Liu Dan, engineer in chief of the park, said that the park has been controlling the tigers’ population to remain around 1,000 in order to maintain the ecological balance.
  Siberian tigers’ natural breeding season peaks in May and June. After living with their mothers for around 100 days, the park’s newlyborn cubs are relocated to a semiwild environment within the park, so that they can learn to fend for themselves.
  The Siberian tiger is among the world’s most endangered species, now mostly confined to far-eastern Russia. The Heilongjiang Siberian Tiger Park was established in 1986 with the aim of developing a gene pool to ensure the genetic diversity of the species.
   Underwater Games
  Divers play football underwater in an aquarium during a promotional event in the Haichang Whale Shark Ocean Park in Yantai, Shandong Province, on August 9.
   Sweet Day
  A couple poses for selfies at a marriage registration office in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, on August 9.
  The day, which was the seventh day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar, marked the Qixi Festival, also known as Chinese Valentine’s Day.
   Housing Renovation
  The Chinese Government allocated 821.1 billion yuan ($124 billion) to cover the renovation of substandard housing in the first seven months of the year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said on August 10.   Work began on the building of 4.67 million homes in former shanty towns during the January-July period, accounting for 78 percent of this year’s target of 6 million homes, according to a press release by the ministry.
  Last year, China started to renovate 6.01 million substandard dwellings, exceeding the target by 4 percent. It aims to build 18 million homes for shanty town residents between 2015 and 2017.
  The government spent 1.54 trillion yuan ($232 billion) on affordable housing programs in 2015, which provides cheaper homes to low-income families.
   Inflation Further Eases
  China’s consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of inflation, grew 1.8 percent year on year in July, down from June’s 1.9 percent, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced on August 9.
  The July data dropped for the third consecutive month from 2.3 percent in April, when the CPI reached its highest level since July 2014.
  On a month-on-month basis, the CPI rose 0.2 percent in July.
  NBS statistician Yu Qiumei attributed the moderate inflation mostly to eased food prices.
  The price of pork rose 16.1 percent year on year in July, slowing from the 30.1-percent rise recorded in June.
  Since January, the CPI has been calculated using a new comparison base and has included more products and services, while slightly reducing the weighting of food.
  Meanwhile, China’s producer price index (PPI), which measures costs for goods at the factory gate, dropped 1.7 percent year on year in July, the NBS said.
  The PPI decline narrowed from a 2.6-percent decrease in June thanks to stronger industrial product prices for nonferrous metal smelting and rolling, ferrous metal ore mining, and ferrous metal melting and rolling, said the NBS.
  However, the July reading continued a 52-month declining streak as China’s economic slowdown and industrial overcapacity hampered prices. On a month-on-month basis, July’s PPI edged up 0.2 percent.
   Construction Underway

  Technicians work on the construction site of a high-speed railway project linking north China’s Zhangjiakou of Hebei Province and Hohhot of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, which is expected to be completed in 2018.
   Foreign Trade Tumbles
  China’s exports climbed at a faster pace in July, while a decline in imports accelerated, in a sign of continued weakness in the country’s economy.   Exports in yuan-denominated terms rose 2.9 percent year on year in July, an improvement from June’s 1.3-percent increase. Imports fell 5.7 percent, accelerating from a decline of 2.3 percent in June, according to figures from the General Administration of Customs (GAC) on August 8. Total foreign trade in the month declined 0.9 percent year on year.
  Liu Liu, an analyst from China International Capital Corp., said that a 6-percent depreciation of the yuan against a basket of currencies over the past year has boosted exports to some extent, but there is still significant uncertainty about external demand. Export growth may stay low in the second half of the year, Liu said.
  Foreign trade in the first seven months was 3 percent lower than a year before, with exports down 1.6 percent and imports down 4.8 percent.
  Trade with the EU, China’s biggest trade partner, climbed 1.8 percent year on year in the first seven months, GAC data showed. In the same period, trade with the United States, China’s second-biggest trade partner, fell 4.8 percent, and trade with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), its thirdlargest trade partner, declined 2.2 percent.
   Forex Reserve Stabilizes
  China’s foreign exchange (forex) reserves dropped slightly in July as downward pressure eased thanks to a stronger yuan, the Chinese currency, official data showed on August 7.
  Forex reserves stood at $3.201 trillion at the end of July, down from June’s $3.205 trillion, according to data released by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank.
  The data was basically in line with market forecasts.
  The reserves have been stable as a stronger yuan meant that the PBOC did not have to resort to using foreign exchanges to prop up the currency, and capital outflow also lessened, analysts said.
  The yuan strengthened against a basket of currencies in July.
  China’s forex reserves had been on a losing streak since November 2015 due to concerns over a weak yuan and capital flight, even slipping to an almost-five-year low of $3.19 trillion in May. But the trend quickly returned to growth as signs of stabilizing economic growth relieved market concerns. In June, there was an unexpected rise of $13.43 billion.
   Robotic Investment
  China’s home appliance manufacturer Midea announced on August 8 that it was taking a 95-percent holding in German robotics maker Kuka.
  Midea will take 37,605,732 shares, 94.55 percent of Kuka after the bid is settled. Kuka shareholders who have not yet tendered their shares will be unable to sell their stake to Midea now as the bid has expired, according to a statement from Midea.   Midea announced the bid on June 16, offering to pay 115 euros($127) per share. It held a 13.5-percent stake in Kuka before the bid.
  To alleviate concerns over the takeover, Midea has pledged to maintain Kuka’s independence, and has no plans to seek a domination agreement or to delist the company. It will not change the headquarters nor reduce the workforce.
  One of the world’s top robot makers, Kuka, founded in 1898 and based in Augsburg, has a workforce of 12,000. Its 2015 revenue was nearly 3 billion euros ($3.34 billion).
   Bumper Harvest
  Farmers harvest wheat in Heihe, northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, on August 9.
   New Destination
  Dubai-based international carrier Emirates Airline announced on August 9 that it will operate its flagship Airbus A380 “Superjumbo”for services between Dubai and Guangzhou, one of China’s largest cities, from October 1.
  Guangzhou, capital of south China’s Guangdong Province, will join Emirates’ extensive A380 global network covering more than 40 destinations, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, London, Paris, Sydney, Toronto, Auckland, Bangkok and Seoul.
  Guangzhou is an important tourism and trade partner of Dubai, as the vast majority of more than 300,000 Chinese nationals living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are from Guangdong.
  Moreover, the UAE has over 4,000 Chinese companies and in 2014, China became Dubai’s biggest trade partner.
  Since the route’s opening in 2008, the airline has been flying a Boeing 777-300ER aircraft on its daily flights between Guangzhou and Dubai.
  The Superjumobo service will increase the flight capacity by 15 percent to meet the growing travel and trade demand from south China to Dubai and beyond.
  Emirates Airline currently operates flights to five destinations on the Chinese mainland, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Yinchuan of northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and Zhengzhou of central China’s Henan Province. The last two routes were opened on May 3.
  Guangzhou will be the third destination on the Chinese mainland to which the airline deploys its flagship aircraft.
   Refrigerated Freight Line
  China’s first refrigerated-container train left for Moscow from Dalian of northeast China’s Liaoning Province on August 8, marking the opening of a new transport link between the two countries.
  The new refrigerated-freight line is 8,600 km long, with trains taking about 10 days to reach Moscow. The train is carrying products worth$150,000, including pears from north China’s Hebei Province, grapefruit from south China’s Guangdong Province and garlic from east China’s Shandong Province.
  After crossing the border, goods will switch to a Russian freight train in Baikal, Siberia.
  The new transport link will shorten the journey time by 60 percent as the old route used both sea and rail travel. China’s refrigerated-product exports to Russia have been on the rise.
   Rapid Growth
  Chen Xiaoyan (first right), a lock seller at the Yiwu China Commodity Market, checks orders with two Burmese clients in Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang Province, on August 7.
  The total sales volume of the market grew 12.2 percent year on year in the first half of 2016.
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