三岛由纪夫似乎把贵族的雅文学和平民百姓的俗文学,也就是把典雅美和朴素美较好地结合起来,化雅为俗,俗而不伤其雅。所以他的小说一问世便顿时名声鹊起,除了出色的文学天赋外,主要缘于他追寻传统文化与现代意识融为一体的神韵,使他逐渐形成自己的独特风格与高雅的品味。 《虚假的告白》中出现的人物,虽确有其人,却使其化入虚拟的人物与情节中去,虚实描写之间没有
Yukio Mishima seems to combine aristocracy of the aristocracy with popular literature of the common people, that is, to combine elegance and simplicity with beauty and elegance, vulgarity without injury. Therefore, his fiction suddenly became famous once he came out. Apart from his outstanding literary genius, his fiction was mainly due to his charm of pursuing the integration of traditional culture with modern consciousness, and gradually formed his own unique style and elegant taste. The characters in the “false confession”, although they actually exist, have been transformed into the characters and the circumstances of the fiction.