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第十一届全运会开幕式定于2009年10月16日在山东省济南市举行,此次体育盛会将是继2008奥运会之后国内最大的体育盛会。而在这场体育盛会里,来自江苏的欧圣地板又一次与体育结下不解之缘:经过资格预审、评标、实地考察等一系列严格的评审过程,从海内外大型企业云集的地板商家中脱颖而出,成功中标济南奥体中心,成为十一运会综合体育场。“钢琴漆地板砸着卖,锤子敲不起泡,火里烤无裂痕,水里泡不起皮,钢丝刷不留痕。”欧圣是这样介绍自己的产品的,初听说这样的地板介绍,我们有些不敢相信,带着疑惑,笔者采访了欧圣山东营销中心总经理谢清武。 The opening ceremony of the 11th National Games will be held on October 16, 2009 in Jinan, Shandong Province. The sports event will be the largest sports event in China after the 2008 Olympic Games. In this sports event, Europe and the floor from Jiangsu once again with the sports knot: After pre-qualification, bid evaluation, site visits and a series of rigorous review process, gathered from the large enterprises at home and abroad floor Stand out from the business success of the successful bidder Jinan Olympic Sports Center, as the eleven National Games Stadium. “Piano paint hit the floor to sell, the hammer can not knock the bubble, the fire roasted no cracks, the water can not afford the skin bubble, wire brush without leaving marks. ” The European Holy are introducing their own products, I heard that Of the floor, some of us could not believe, with doubts, I interviewed the EU Saint-Shandong Marketing Center, general manager Xie Qingwu.
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沙干渠防渗工程是保证工程质量的关键,本文结合具体实例详解该工程的控制要点。 Sand canal seepage control project is to ensure the quality of the key project with s
《上海档案》编辑部同志; 上海是我的第二故乡,又是我参加革命的摇篮,也是我转搞档案工作的起步地。我常想起我的许多老战友、老同事。上海,对我来说,确有特别亲切的感情,以