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2000,这千载难逢的数字预示着变革年代的来临,有学问的人们说人类的这个二十世纪是黑色的,那么足球呢?现代足球走过她最初的完整百年,人们在欣赏了她的对抗,她的奔放,她的激动,她的震人心髓,甚至她的文化底蕴的同时,也发现原本纯朴、大方、直率的她在穿上金钱、功利、保守的甲壳后虽然依旧绿茵如画,金杯鲜花,但也是行走在美丽的夜里。那么,2000欧洲杯会是一扇足球革命的天堂之门吗?当这届发生在荷兰比利时的足球盛会表现得像是一个人的人生,从年少的执着轻狂和青春洋溢的性感长到了面对眼前的名和利苦苦追求所表现出的乏味保守,斤斤计较和所谓成熟老练,人们彻底失望了,再也不报有革命成功的丝毫希望,甚至连对2000欧洲杯能够载着我们到达最近的快乐彼岸也产生了动摇,好在还有那些卓而不群的英雄及时跳进2000欧洲杯航船的油箱,他们燃尽了自己叛逆的骨骼和革命的血液,释放出足以带我们抵达快乐的最大能量。那么,2000欧洲杯是这些英雄的乐土吗?看上去他们中的有些人的确站在巅峰而有些人却也随着队伍或埋葬在谷底或跌落于山间,可这一切仅仅又是表象,事实上和那些浮在天空中的非英雄主义成功者们相比,他们已经作出了超越。当十年、二十年、五十年之后,所有狂喜或失落沉淀下来的时候,只要他们还活着,无论走过了怎样一段人生,无论他们身处世界任一角落,在他们回想起这个年代并与心灵做过一番倾谈之后我们听到的会是同一种骄傲的声音:是的,2000欧洲杯我参与了革命,那一年,我已经穿过英雄的天堂。 2000, this rare figure indicates the advent of the changing era, learned people say that this century of mankind is black, so football? Modern football through her first full centuries, people admire her confrontation, Her unrestrained, her excitement, her vibrancy, and even her cultural heritage, but also found that the original simple, generous, frank, she put on money, utilitarian and conservative after the carapace is still picturesque, Gold Cup Flowers, but also walking in the beautiful night. So, the 2000 European Cup is a paradise for the football revolution? When the event took place in Belgium, Belgium, the football festival performance is like a person’s life, from the young persistent frivolous and youthful sexy long-term face The current name and interest in the bitter pursuit of the boring conservative, preoccupied and so-called sophisticated, people completely disappointed, and no longer have the slightest hope of revolutionary success, and even to the 2000 European Cup to carry us to the recent happy The other side has also shaken, but fortunately, there are those outstanding heroes in time to jump into the tank of the 2000 European Cup sailing, they burn their rebellious bones and revolutionary blood, release enough to bring us to reach the maximum energy of happiness . So are the 2000 European Cups a success for these heroes? Some of them seem to be at their peak while others are still with the team or buried in the valley or fall in the mountains, but all this is just appearance, the fact They have surpassed those non-heroic winners floating in the sky. When ten, twenty, fifty years later, when all the ecstasy or loss have settled down, as long as they are still alive, no matter what life has passed, no matter where they are in any part of the world, when they come back to this age And after some talk with the soul we hear the same kind of proud voice: Yes, I participated in the revolution in the European Cup 2000, that year, I have crossed the heroic paradise.
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