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自治区纪律检查委员会第七次全会于1月28日在南宁开幕,自治区党委副书记、纪委书记马铁山主持大会,自治区党委书记曹伯纯作了重要讲话。曹伯纯强调,提高党的执政能力,巩固党的执政地位,必须坚持不懈地抓好反腐倡廉工作,必须认真贯彻落实中央和自治区党委的有关决策、部署,扎实工作,与时俱进,把我区反腐倡廉工作不断推向深入。曹伯纯强调,反腐倡廉,必须坚持标本兼治、惩防并举,加大预防力度。第一,要在加强思想道德和纪律教育上狠下功夫,进一步筑牢拒腐防变的思想道德防线。当前,反腐倡廉教育要与正在开展的保持共产党员先进性教育活动结合起来。第二,要在落实 The 7th Plenary Session of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Autonomous Region opened on January 28 in Nanning. Ma Tieshan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, presided over the conference. Cao Botin, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, made an important speech. Cao Bo-chun emphasized: To improve the party’s ability to govern and consolidate the party’s status as a ruling party, Cao Erh-chung must unswervingly grasp the work of combating corruption and building a clean government. We must conscientiously implement the relevant decisions and plans of the party committees of the Central Government and the autonomous regions, deploy solidly, advance with the times, Anti-corruption work in the area continue to deepen. Cao Bo-chun emphasized that in combating corruption and building a clean government, we must uphold the principle of tackling both the symptoms and the essence and punishing and preventing both simultaneously and step up preventive efforts. First, we must make great efforts to strengthen ideological and moral education and discipline, and further build the ideological and moral defense against corruption and change. At present, the education on combating corruption and upholding integrity must be combined with the ongoing educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members. Second, to be implemented
Comparing with the 1988’s edition, The New Rainbow Clan pub-lished by FIDIC has many distinction, among which to set up DAB-DisputeAdjudication Board is the mo