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目的调查无锡市6家铅蓄电池企业的职业卫生状况,分析致员工血铅增高的相关因素,为制定有效的防治策略提供依据。方法调查无锡市6家铅蓄电池生产企业的生产工艺流程、职业卫生管理状况、工作场所危害因素、铅作业人员个人卫生及行为习惯、职业卫生知识知晓率、职业健康监护状况,用EpiData 3.1建立数据库,双份录入,应用SPSS15.0对数据进行统计分析。结果 6家企业生产工艺流程基本相似,但自动化程度较低,企业未能按照要求配备个人防护用品,铅烟铅尘水平超标严重,血铅水平增高149人(血铅水平≥1.9μmol/L),检出率为41.0%;血铅水平与作业人员年龄、工龄、学历、吸烟、饮酒、是否在车间饮水、下班前是否换衣服、下班前是否沐浴、空气中铅烟、铅尘水平、对职业卫生知识的知晓率有关。结论血铅增高与多个因素有关,应有针对性地开展职业健康促进工作。 Objective To investigate the occupational health status of six lead-acid battery enterprises in Wuxi and analyze the related factors that lead to the increase of blood lead in staff, so as to provide basis for making effective prevention and control strategies. Methods The production process, occupational health management, workplace hazards, personal health and behavior habits of lead workers, occupational health awareness and occupational health monitoring status of six lead-acid battery manufacturing enterprises in Wuxi City were investigated. EpiData 3.1 was used to establish a database , Double entry, the application of SPSS15.0 statistical analysis of the data. Results The production processes of the six companies were basically similar, but the degree of automation was low. Enterprises were unable to equip themselves with personal protective equipment as required. Lead and lead dust levels exceeded the standard and blood lead level increased by 149 (blood lead level ≥1.9μmol / L) , The detection rate was 41.0%; blood lead level and the working age, seniority, education, smoking, drinking, drinking water in the workshop, whether to change clothes before get off work, bathing before get off work, lead smoke in the air, lead dust level Occupational health knowledge about the rate of awareness. Conclusion Blood lead increased with a number of factors, should be targeted to carry out occupational health promotion.
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目的 了解山西省医疗卫生机构布鲁氏菌病(布病)诊断、报告质量,发现存在的问题,为提高布病诊断报告质量提供建议.方法 采用典型抽样的方法,从山西省疫情较重的地区选择6个医
韩黎坤作品专集 Han Li Kun works album