各位代表、各位同志: 我們的这次小商小販代表会議是根据中國共產党第八次全國代表大会的决議和陈云副总理、曾山部長、張啓龍副主任在「八大」的發言及國务院今年五、六月間召开的全國对私营工商業社会主义改造彙报会議上陈云副总理的指示精神召开的。因此,会議的任务,就是要自上而下的深刻檢查我省一年來对小商小販社会主义改造工作的進行情况,
Distinguished delegates, comrades: Our small-scale hawker representative conference was based on the resolution of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and deputy director Chen Yun, minister Zeng Shan, and deputy director Zhang Qilong at the “Big Eight” speech and the State Council. This year’s national meeting on the socialist transformation of private industry and commerce was held in May and June this year in the spirit of the instructions given by Deputy Prime Minister Chen Yun. Therefore, the task of the conference is to thoroughly examine from top to bottom the progress made by our province in the past year in the work of reforming the socialist transformation of petty traders.