The trip to Deng Xiaoping hometown

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  I remember a few years ago to participate in the social investigation organized by the Central Party School, the first stop is Guang'an in Sichuan Province, to the great hometown of Deng Xiaoping's hometown - Hip Hing Town tour, education. At a time when he thought of the birth of Comrade Deng Xiaoping on August 22, 1904, his elders had lived here for 15 years and had an unforgettable childhood and a boyhood. Later, from here to the world, went to work-study program in Europe, began a twists and turns ups and downs, magnificent revolutionary career. Grass and wood not only witness the history, but also make clear the future, my heart could not help but be a little excited.
  The hometown of Deng Xiaoping is located near the bergamot scenic area of ??Guang'an where undulating hills, valleys and valleys of beautiful scenery. Time when the winter season, but the mountains and plains of green trees, bamboo is still full of vitality. In order to express the infinite nostalgia for Comrade Deng Xiaoping, Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government approved in June 2001 the setting up of a 29.91-square-kilometer former residence of Deng Xiaoping, with the core area of ??Deng Xiaoping's hometown now being built. The former residence of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, Wash Ink Pond, Hanlin Yard and many other places of activity of Deng Xiaoping in his childhood and adolescence have all been renovated and restored. Over 5 million plants in the park are lush, orderly and natural. It is said that the news of repairing Xiaoping's hometown has spread like wildfire. From overseas Chinese overseas to peasants in the prosperous Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, they generously donated their donations and made great contributions to the repair of the former residence. After the completion of the Former Residence Conservation Area, tens of thousands of foreign guests, overseas Chinese, workers and peasants came from all over the country every day. With their very respectful feelings, they respected here and pursued it. It was a very touching scene. This reminds me of the famous poem of a poet: "Some people are alive, but already dead; others die, but still alive." Those who bring human well-being are forever remembered.
  The former residence of Deng Xiaoping is a farmer's triad of rich farmhouse in eastern Sichuan. Sitting east west, covering more than 800 square meters, with 17 houses, divided into the main room, left wing, right wing. Fenqiangdaiwa, pillars of stone, bluestone shop floor, hospital iron tree bloom, bamboo shadow house behind the house, before the pond lotus pan-green, filled with rich Shu style. Neat and tidy room, placed a variety of farm tools, weaving machines, vaguely make people feel the hard work of the scene that year. Five hundred meters from the former residence is the "Former Residence of Deng Xiaoping Pavilion", with Comrade Jiang Zemin inscribing the name of the museum. The exhibition hall takes Comrade Deng Xiaoping's life trajectory and struggles as a clue. Most of the relics in the museum are donated by relatives and staffs of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. It is very precious. Among them are Deng Xiaoping's donation documentary card donated by Comrade Deng Zhuoping's Zhuo Lin while studying in Renault, France, a magnifying glass used by Deng Xiaoping's war donated by Deng Xiaoping's guarantor secretary, and a tunic worn by Deng Xiaoping while welcoming foreign guests Military uniform worn by military parade, cuffs have been worn shirt, pajamas, Xinxian County, Jiangxi Province out of the miniature landscape of the trail ... ... see things think, the growth and development of great man's history vividly, it is mixed feelings, imagination Pina. Throughout his life, Comrade Deng Xiaoping struggled and rushed for the liberation of the Chinese people and the peaceful and peaceful life. He believed in Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung's thought and recognized the emancipation and development of productive forces, It is the vocation of the Communists to let the masses of the people lead a better life. To this end at the dismissed, down. This kind of indomitable, never-ending, dedication to the people's interests and dedication to the spirit and character of the Chinese Communists can be role models and role models. Every member of our party and government should learn from Deng Xiaoping the essence of being a man and an official. While visiting, we have a question: Comrade Deng Xiaoping left school at the age of fifteen and participated in the revolution for decades. During his tenure in the Southwest Bureau, why did not he ever return to his hometown of Guang'an? Asked the nearby township, asked the museum staff, are not enough to convince us of the answer. Before I left the exhibition hall, I stopped in front of the huge portrait of Comrade Deng Xiaoping and echoes his remark: "I am the son of the Chinese people. I have a deep love for my motherland and the people." Oh, at In the heart of this century great man, he has long regarded the motherland as his own home and his people as their own. This is not exactly the best comment on him for decades?   Out of the former residence of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, we came to the side of a well beside the former residence, and the local villagers called it "Deng Old Well." According to research, the history of this old well has a long history, is the Ming dynasty ancestors moved to Guang'an excavation, dating back five or six centuries. Wellhead was round, about a meter in diameter. Old well like an old bronze mirror embedded in the green field of paddy fields, as bright as Kam. Well water is plentiful, all year round, a steady stream of dry years still "inexhaustible." This clear well water, raised a generation of great people Deng Xiaoping, also entrusted with the hometown of Comrade Deng Xiaoping endless endless thoughts.
  Huxing Town where Xiaoping's hometown is an important place for Deng Xiaoping's childhood education. Was built in the era of Qing Tongzhi, dating back more than a hundred years of history, so far is well preserved in eastern Sichuan ancient residential buildings. More than 300 meters long street, a total of more than 100 shops, brick walls, patchwork; eaves lights wooden doors, the vicissitudes of life. Nowadays, the prosperity of merchandise trade here, everything from small local products, street restaurants are extremely popular. Riders, businesspeople, tourists, come together; singing, laughter, shouting, one after another. This shows the prosperity and rising town.
  Guang'an is far from the impoverished and backward small county which looks like an emerging beautiful city. "We must make Guang'an well built" and the exhilaration of great people is being realized step by step. Echoing the "Spring Stories" piece of music around the huge square hearth, the gushing spring water changes its shape from melody to melody. The north side of the square is a giant copper tripod, the front of the base is engraved with Deng Xiaoping's famous saying: development is the last word. Engraved on the back is the famous excerpt from the "September 2 Southern Talk". Looking further north, it is a giant dragon made of boulders, with a huge body of dragon and a long dragon body that stretches all the way to the Qujiang River, symbolizing the revolutionary career of a generation of great people from here. The prosperous and rapid development of Guang'an has become a microcosm of China's progress in reform and opening up. Comrade Xiaoping has knowledge and should feel relieved.
  (The former is the deputy director of the Political Department of the Beijing Military Region, the deputy political commissar and major general of the Beijing Military Region aftercare office, a member of the Chinese Writers Association and a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association)
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这本书的成稿,靠的就是那一点点坚持。100天,每天半个小时,刷一次朋友圈的时间,坚持下来,就是沉甸甸的一沓文字。梦想,靠的也是这样一点点的坚持。  近几年,每每开会或者出席活动,总会有很多年轻人问我各种问题,涉及创业、读书、爱情、人生……我总是尽我所能进行解答,希望自己的那些知识和经验能够帮助到大家。不过,这些问题背后反映出的焦虑极为相似,回答得多了,就想与其一个个地回复,不如做个系统的解答。  
“我们希望与国内企业共同进步与发展。”戴松高强调。截至目前,福田康明斯发动机产品有95%的零部件已由国内制造企业生产。  2017年11月28日,北京福田康明斯发动机有限公司迎来成立十周年华诞。同时,随着满足欧六/国六技术的X12发动机正式下线,公司已累计生产发动机达100万台。  业界声称,福田康明斯仅用建厂十年、投产八年的实践,就为中国发动机制造业设立了新的标杆。为此,在中关村昌平园的引荐下,
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这里的风景很多,他们为何只对海港钟情?是在海港工作,还是家庭与海港有不解之缘?  凯恩斯海港停泊着许多游船,大大小小,桅杆耸立,相互交错,其中不乏价格不菲的豪华游艇。在澳洲,游艇才是身份的象征。从格林岛回来已经是下午了,夕阳西下,阳光给白色游船镀上了一层金黄色。晚餐的时间还早,我们沿着岸边散散步,领略海港景色,顺便拍些照片。  海港很美,边看边行,街上忽然发现一对新人,新郎穿着黑色西装,没打领带,
91金融创业的过程中,七年坚持从未放弃过探索新模式,只要有新的热点和新的风口,一定会去尝试,不断累积用户、累积技术、累积产品,由此建立行业新门槛。  “中关村企业家进校园”活动始于2010年,是由中关村杂志社联合北京市海淀区文明办、海淀园管委会、海淀区教委共同主办的教育宣讲系列活动。俞敏洪、李开复、冯军、尹卫东、秦升益、梅萌、李志强、苏菂、吴文雄等几十位中关村企业家都曾经陆续走进海淀区多所高校和中