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《三国演义》中对名医华佗为关羽“刮骨疗毒”的故事,作了生动的描述,那也只是罗贯中的艺术创作,历史上是否确有其事,已无从考证。但在现实生活中,却实实在在有这样动人的事迹。 1915年,袁世凯复辟帝制,全国哗然,激起了声势浩大的讨袁护国战争。蔡锷率领的云南护国军由滇入川,与袁世凯的北洋军激战于沪州的黄花坡。此时,24岁的刘伯承率游击队百余人配合滇军作战,负责截击重庆下游的水路交通,并在长江岸上与北洋军第八师李长泰的部队作战。激战中,一颗子弹打进刘伯承的右眼,颅骨被打破,晕倒在地。大家急忙把他从前线抬下来,暂时寄住在挚友刘云裳家中治疗。 In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the famous doctor Hua Tuo gave a vivid description of Guanyu’s “curettage and cure the poison” story, which is only Luo Guanzhong’s artistic creation. It is no longer possible to verify the historical facts. However, in real life, there are actually such touching stories. In 1915, Yuan Shikai restored the monarchy and the whole country was in an uproar, provoking a massive war of yuan to protect the country. The Yunnan Guards Army led by Cai Ying led by Yunnan into Sichuan and fought the Northern Expeditionary Army of Yuan Shikai at the Huang Huapo in Shanghai. At this time, a 24-year-old Liu Baocheng led more than 100 guerrillas to cooperate with the Yunnan Army in fighting the water traffic in the lower reaches of Chongqing and fought with the troops of Li Changtai, the 8th Northern Beiyan Army on the bank of the Yangtze River. Guild Wars, a bullet scored Liu Bo Cheng’s right eye, the skull was broken, fainted. Everybody hurriedly took him off the front line and temporarily settled in the treatment of his best friend Liu Yun Sang.
在全球竞争和互联网时代,中高端专能人才已成为各个企业竞相争夺的稀缺资源。对于 IT高科技公司而言,由于 IT技术更新发展迅速,人员流动性相对较大,企业的发展更加依赖于合适人力
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