Comments on Extension Engineering Method

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glei66
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The history of human development is a history of innovation, and contradiction is the motive forceof the development. Solving the contradictions and makng innovations constitute the main rhythm ofsocial development. It is a crucial subject matter to transform the incompatible problems intocompatible ones, and to find out the inner mechanism of the incompahble problems. In our objectiveworld, there exists a dialectical unity of quality and quantity. The classical mathematics studies thequantitative relation and spatial form of the objective matter, which is widely applicable under certain The history of human development is a history of innovation, and contradiction is the motive forceof the development. Solving the contradictions and makng innovations constitute the main rhythm ofsocial development. It is a crucial subject matter to transform the incompatible problems intocompatible ones, and to find out the inner mechanism of the incompahble problems. In our objectiveworld, there exists a dialectical unity of quality and quantity. The classical mathematics studies thequantitative relation and spatial form of the objective matter, which is widely available under certain
随着知识经济的发展 ,社会将更加强调实用性知识 ,这无疑会对马克思主义哲学提出挑战。马克思主义哲学是世界观和方法论的统一 ,它在知识经济时代具有增强政治鉴别力、提高经
本刊讯  2 0 0 0年 1 0月 1 6日 ,朱基总理访日之际 ,中国驻日本国大使陈健代表中国科学院与日本科学技术厅签署了“中国科学院和日本科学技术厅‘关于开展风送沙尘的形成
本刊讯  1 999年 1 0月 1 4日 ,“中国科学院星”命名典礼在北京举行。中国科学院院长路甬祥在会上致词 ,中国科学院国家天文观测中心主任、中国科学院院士艾国祥代表国际天
中国科学院第十次院士大会 2 0 0 0年 6月 5— 9日在京举行。根据《中国科学院院士章程》第十九条规定和中国科学院第十次院士大会选举结果 ,在 6月 9日的院士大会闭幕式上宣
千百年的历史,千百万的人物。 当经济活动成为今天人类社会的核心时,我们应该记住那些曾经影响了,而且今后仍会产生影响的先知们。 姓名: 阿基纳(又译阿奎纳) 国别:意大利(1